Who the fuck is in charge at CNN?

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I already have to hound after my son. I don't need more fucking stress.

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i don't watch CNN - have they started selling coins or survival kits yet -

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I was living in Santa Cruz when I cut the cable cord and gave up TV in '95. It was amazing how quickly my view of life and especially other people changed. I lost a great part of my fear and nervousness about life in general. I stopped locking my door and started smiling at people on the street. So much paranoia gets stuffed into our heads by television, constantly screaming BE AFRAID BE AFRAID BE AFRAID in our ears. Who needs it? Actual life is stressful enough without that nonsense.

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i don't know if i can take anymore. i can hear the cracking, and i'm afraid i'm gonna snap.

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They do need to replace Corey Lewandowski. Guess he left quite a vacuum there.

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So Wow.

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Things like this make me glad I don't have cable TV.

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Are there really people who care what Santorum has to say about anything?

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What angle is CNN trying to play. Do they really want the Stupid people in their ratings? Are they going to start advertising rental properties in Oklahoma Trailer Parks (aka Tornado magnets) now? If they don't most of those mouth breathers can hardly afford Applebee's let alone spend real money on anything except guns, cheap beer and cigarettes. What could be in it for them to give this human puss bag any air time?

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I only have what my antennae can get and seldom watch that. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Er, wasn't he the vacuum? When he quit, they had to lay off 3 people to take up the slack.

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Oh my, what a frothy mix of feces and lube in that first picture.

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Judging from how hard he sucked, he was indeed the vacuum.

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On Don Lemon’s “CNN Tonight” the other night, the bible-thumping hack, Rick Santorum, ranted about Obama’s requiring (paraphrasing) the “Little Sisters of the Poor” to provide abortions; turns out he was actually referring to the requirement that employers must provide “contraception” coverage for women in their employee health plans. So, to Santorum, and his ilk, “contraception” equates to “abortion”. Would someone please tell me what this brain-dead cretin is doing on CNN when, so obviously, he’s better suited to Faux News? Or do they already have a surplus of Neanderthals at Faux News?Regardless, I have no problem with “freedom of religion”—as long as I can have “freedom from religion” and freedom from that “small group of extreme ideologues who claim the right to impose their personal beliefs on the overwhelming majority of the American people.”

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