Run Rielle! Hairspray causes cancer.

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Whatzerface's? You mean Laura? Now that's a cool Enquirer headline.

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hahahaha DC (and NC) are grosser than hollywood.

actually, the more i think about it, the more true that is.

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HAHAHAHA DC (and NC) is grosser than hollywood.

actually, the more i think about this, the truer it is.

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This gives hope to Mark Sanford.

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Nope, sorry, they're downsizing to Foghat. This is the era of lowered expectations, after all.

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"Survivor : Politics" Put Edwards, Limbaugh, Palin, Coulter, Gingrich, Sharpton, Bachmann, McCain, King, Inhofe, and the rest on an inescapable deserted island. .... That's it, that's the show.

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Edwards should be immortalized by naming some horrific anal cancer after him.

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