Really-- you don't think there's any coherence to their positions, I hope. These guys have got to be ready to take any position at any time and at this moment, if you can shape someone into a piteous 'cancel culture' victim you just have to go for it. Liberals are so mild, how are you going to turn them into "totalitarians" except by using their sensitivity towards the feelings of others? That is what they've done. So tired of these empty mopes. Because they really are empty. If there's something inside them, I don't know what it is.

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Sounds awful.

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Seems to go right over "Conservative" heads that they're not being banned or relieved of their employment because of an over vociferous defense of trickle down economics, or some other equally bone headed "Conservative" shibboleth. Nobody needs to tolerate, or have their company name attached to, brain dead racism.

From what I can see, there is no longer any sort of "Conservative" thought beyond white supremacy and a desire limit other people's rights. And there's certainly no viable Republican party remaining with anything potentially positive to offer in a democratic society.

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Edited to nothing.

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I'm sure as OT as you can get, but I saw Ted Lieu being interviewed by Rachel Maddow, and he had a Baby Yoda on the shelf behind him.

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I particularly liked this response to Carano getting fired, as the Star Wars bros heads started a 180 degree spin:


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She was always, always super problematic, but they just had to hire her, for reasonz.

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Don't forget to mention the original Twitter poster of this ditty: Patty Walker @ pwalker8510

She also has this verse:

If you're hollerin ' 'white power!',And you're jobless the next hour,

If you're racist and you're fired it's your fault.

*clap clap*

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Send her to Hoth, she'll come back a new marshal

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Conservatives: Stop the Cancel Culture!

Also Conservatives: I'm cancelling my Disney+ !!!

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I think people only dreamed in black and white for the first half of the 20th century or so when their brains were constantly being stimulated by black and white media. If people were dreaming in black and white prior to the advent of photography I'd have thought the lack of color would have been something noted when discussing dreams.

I recall years ago having a dream which had titles running over the images at one point.

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I was thinking disastrous career moves but her too.

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I first noticed her in ‘Haywire’.Didn’t know anything about her politics until today.I no longer fancy her.

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I'm so sorry for your loss. She deserved so much better than the constant conservative whining game trying to capitalize on her trauma.

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That, too.

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On one hand, cancel culture is fake and the people whining about it are toddlers. But on the other, the idea that a well paid recurring guest spot on a popular streaming show is a basic human right would actually help me out a lot, so you can see how I'd be torn on this issue...

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