I wonder if they'r planning to bracket Faux with a far-right channel as well. Between the gold and the guns and the bullets and the beans, there's easy money to be made off of the bugfuck crazy demographic.

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They can't even afford a see-through glass desktop for the CEO's office.

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What is funny about this article that Newsmax decided to go way right of Fox News by hiring super right wingers Dennis Michael Lynch, Steve Malzburg and others. I have no idea if anyone is watching (sort of doubt it) and the programming is below average at best, but it's still on the air.

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This will only work if they show re-runs of My Favorite Martian.

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Isn't there already a sock puppet channel?

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So it's going to be less insane than FOX, but still nuttier than MSNBC or CNN.

Who's the target audience then? Wishy-washy wafflers?

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I sometimes hate-click onto the Newsmax and given their content, I'm surprised that they are aiming for the less-looney demographic. They seem to me, at least to be more hate-filled and RWN'ier than Fox. But I say that with love, of course, because of their moneeze given to Wonkette.

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Putting the "con" in "conservative".

The entire wingnuttosphere has evolved from an astroturfing con by the Kochroaches (the actual creators of the Tea Party) into a vast commercial enterprise, where conservative rubes are herded by wingnut bloggers and Faux News blowhards, fleeced by TV evangelists, gold coin and snake oil salesmen, and bogus charities and PACs with 1% payouts and 99% overhead. And then they vote in teabagger politicians, who loudly promise to beat up on gays, lazy poors, and dirty immigrants, while quietly delivering pro-corporate, pro-bankster, and pro-billiionaire legislation to the GOP's owners.

This is just another blatant example of the racket: a marketing channel that sucks in the wingnut dummy demographic with slanted "news", and sells, sells, sells. The only surprise is that they went for medium crazy instead of full crazy - but I'm sure a lot of market research led them to their principled positions on the issues.

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They could do a remake of Stalag 17, only this time, it is based in a FEMA camp.

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