The good of mankind trumps the hippocratic oath.

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Harding's wife poisoned him and had his body cremated immediately-at night.

To save the shipping costs!

Public service homicide.

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They were tricked by Antifa!

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Because those are the very things the magats love and will turn out in droves to vote for.

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I did a little research and "elderly widow" Kathy Berman is 69, ten years younger than Mitch McConnell. She also considers her crimes in sending a fake slate of electors to be unworthy of comment as they "happened a long time ago." https://www.rawstory.com/tr...

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Re first pic: No one in Canada has a drone and knows how to load it with eggs or vinegar?

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That's interesting, but how do you figure? The majority of races this fall are Congressional, which always live and die on local issues. Now, on the GOP side, there's the extra component of an obligatory Loyalty Oath to Trump. GOP candidates who don't ally with Trump will get heavily primaried.

Are you thinking of the Senate? There, it may be more possible for GOP candidates to ally themselves against Trump by distancing themselves from 1/6. But I don't (yet) see an effective McConnell GOP faction weakening Trump's power in the GOP, and I really don't see weakening Trump as the path to GOP victory in November. Say more!

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That sentence belongs in the Sentence Hall of Fame.

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The same way Opus got picked for Bill the Cat's VP pick: they sent him out for chips when they had the vote...

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"Elderly and a Widow" and also an officer of the Republican party and one of the fake electors who were trying to subvert the vote by submitting fraudulent certifications.

Remember: Abby and Martha Brewster were sweet elderly ladies, in Arsenic and Old Lace...

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only in that they didn't get a chance to use it....

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They beat a capitol police officer over the head until he died. They killed a guy, fer chrissake

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Clearly the only liability the Republicans have is the treason thing. Not the racism thing or the making a mockery of the legal system thing or the medical science denying thing... only the treason thing is a problem.

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Performing a Nazi salute is not discourse.

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Please help Ben Wickler (the Princess Bride 2020 fundraiser guy, you remember) help Wisconsin save democracy from Republicans

(no, really)

GOP Seeks to Usurp Control of Elections So WI Democrats Mobilizing Locallyhttps://www.youtube.com/wat...


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That only happens when Black people do it.(The Black woman in TX, Crystal Mason, the Black woman and BLM activist in TN whom Rachel had J Nelson on from the NAACP LDF to talk about the last night she was on the air before her hiatus.)

Please help Ben Wickler (the Princess Bride 2020 fundraiser guy, you remember!) help Wisconsin save democracy from Republicans

(no, really)

GOP Seeks to Usurp Control of Elections So WI Democrats Mobilizing Locallyhttps://www.youtube.com/wat...


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