It's not something they miss or "choose to ignore." It's what they choose to omit because that's their goal. To make abortions dangerous as fuck for the women who dare seek them. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Abortion is not a sin. That's a modern concept. It was common and legal in the time of Christ, who never mentioned it now did he?

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Making abortion illegal does not stop abortion. It stops safe abortion.

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Ask that coward at JoeMyGod why I'm banned from his site.

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Exactly so. That's something they seem to miss. Or just choose to ignore.

Too bad they haven't learned the lesson of Prohibition . . . banning the sale of alcohol did not END the sale of alcohol. It just drove it underground and led to the rise of Al Capone like gangs. And then we had to amend the Constitution to repeal the Prohibition Amendment.

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True. But, when the Pope addresses a particular subject or problem, Catholics listen. They are usually not that connected to their Bishoprics, especially after several of those Bishops shielded their pedophile priests which has caused an economic disaster too.Interesting article about the decline of Catholic schools in America:https://aleteia.org/2018/08...

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Hasn't Madison Cawthorn also been accused of sexual improprieties? And hasn't he copped to them?

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A bucket of deplorables.

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Not only that, but the laws in Leviticus and elsewhere have "God" telling the Israelites to slaughter pregnant heathens, for two men fighting to pay a fine if they knock a woman down and she has an abortion, or if a pregnant woman is suspected of fathering a child by not her husband, she should drink "bitter waters" (abortifacient) to see if she's virtuous or not.

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There are coaches who bring in 2nd and 3rd string after their team has a substantial lead. Other coaches would continue playing their top players just to pile it on.

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Maybe that nun really wears a habit like that, but most nuns wear regular clothes and work at jobs that help support their communities. She looks like she stepped out of the 1940s and maybe bought that outfit at a costume shop. Just saying. She should pick up her New Testament and read the four Gospels sometime.

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If he'd ever been to Southern Colorado, Dante would forget about Beatrice for good.

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She had better not confess to a Jesuit. She'll get a whole novena.

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Sister Mary Elephant?

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Mine is San Marino......

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