Yep, I left that one hanging out over the plate.... and it took an hour!

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At least he broke down and got a driver. The streets of T.O. are that much safer.

This is the best part: The following is the exchange that took place between Ford and the reporter:

Reporter: "Sir, there's a picture that went out on Twitter this morning of you reading while still driving on the Gardiner [Expressway]."

Ford: "Yeah, probably. I'm busy."

Reporter: "So you read while driving?"

Ford: "Yeah, probably, yeah. I'm try[ing] to catch up on my work and you know I keep my eyes on the road, but I'm a busy man."

Reporter: "You don't see a problem doing that on the Gardiner?"

Ford: "Well, I'm busy. I got to be — I don't know what that has to do with a trade mission, but anyways. Ridiculous questions sometimes, seriously."

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<a href="http://torontoist.com/2013/..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://torontoist.com/2013/11/rob-and-doug-ford-a...">http://torontoist.com/2013/...

Now, apparently.

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We have to wait for evidence from the PAParazzi.

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That is Don Cherry, another pimple on the butt of Canada.

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My sister in Toronto wishes.

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My sister was part of a rally at City hall yesterday to try to achieve that. It didn't work.

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We didn't in 1813, we won't now. But we will give you Rob Ford to take back with you to Buffalo.

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Can you imagine how much she drinks (and possibly how much crack she smokes) just to stay married to that guy?

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If he wasn't the mayor of my hometown, I'd be laughing my ass off... I mean, I still am, but it's through a veil of tears...

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Yes, we are idiots to da felines, yet they worship our opposable thumbs ...

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He does look like a good eater.

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french fries are sort of a vegetable. I think he's had a few of those.

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They also ignore the fact that the city operating budget went up by 1.5 billion in the last year. So much for holding the line on budget increases. PS They will come up with excuses for EVERYTHING, just you wait and see.

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Yeah but which one is the real Mrs. Ford, da guy he's holding hands with or da lady with her hands up? Threesomes, anyone? Now you can go gag.

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Hell, ask him if he's ever robbed a liquor store.

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