Murdoch is a dick who pits his kids against each other, because of course he would. I think he gave the oldest son a division to run, but he won't give up control until he's dead. I think one of his kids (James?) just said "fuck it" and went off to do something else.

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Fucking Trump...

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I loathe that man with the heat of a thousand suns.

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Stone, Gingrich, and Kissinger will survive us all.

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Stone needs to go down right alongside Trump and every other co-conspirator. He is a major player and one of the “generals”. And, if he’s not stopped, he will do more damage. He’s brazen and unabashed. He obviously believes he’s untouchable.

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The worst thing he did was consider having video of himself and Kim Kardashian manipulated and published on the same day be somehow "ironic."

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I think a prostitute could be persuaded. With cash. God bless him, and I can only hope the Stone family knows how to tip appropriately.

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Dick Back organized the Brooks Brothers riot, but now he’s all about the peaceful transition of power? https://media0.giphy.com/me...

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Murdoch’s pact with Satan doesn’t have an expiration date either.

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we have Wynn still kicking around here, but that Adelson eventually kicked the bucket gives me a glimmer of hope.

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Me, too, because that third person *really* deserves to be well-compensated.

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True fact: when I tried the Pelican Bay State Prison case in SF in 1995 (representing the prisoners), Martin Sobell came every day. After each trial day, he would say something like, "now here is how they used to beat me . . . ."

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All these guys like to think of themselves as badass tough dudes. They talk a good game until shit starts happening and then cry and whine about how they are the victims of the terrible, lying other side.

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That tat of Nixon on his back is just one of a string of bad choices that have plagued him his entire life.

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Oh lovely. If they're both in the primary, we get treated to campaigning by seventh grade mean girl. We'll get anonymous reports about Ron calling TFG a moron when they were sitting on the bleachers, followed by an anonymous report that TFG called Ron fat outside the multipurpose room.

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