"It turned into a personal attack." Oh, isn't she precious...

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The Conservative Grievance Machine is filled with people who are making good money by finding some new thing to complain about. They lie, twist and distort facts to make their claims. They claim a First Amendment right to do this. They don't deserve to have any First Amendment rights.

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A) Those faces aren't going to eat themselves.

B) No Xnote for "open borders" lie? Silly me.

C) I am trying to picture people intent on vehicular sexual assault going "dang, if only one of us had a drivers license."

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It makes sense, I can picture all the "illegals" lining up at the DMV to get a driver's license so they won't get in trouble when they gangrape people.

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She is a liar and a grifter so for once, DeSantis has something right

Course, he is also a liar and a grifter

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We’ve all been over this, but the vile Don’t Admit Gay People Exist law was obviously never about “grooming,” a pet term by the right they use to hurt people they disagree with. Acknowledging LGBTQIAs in the presence of kids in no way, shape or form “grooms” them to become part of the LGBTQIA community, and certainly has nothing to do with conditioning them to be victimized, a shameful accusation to make about K-12 teachers. It was drafted by known creepo, Joe Harding, who tried to get in on the Covid grift train by evidently securing loans for two small businesses that he fibbed about. He received a 4-month federal sentence for that. Don’t Say Gay wasn’t based on any actual evidence or examples of teachers acknowledging gay people exist in an effort to harm a child. But Republicans don’t need facts or evidence to attack people they don’t like. They simply cloak their sinister schemes in causes that seem undeniably virtuous, like “protecting kids.” They craft anti-immigrant border policies because “child trafficking.” They ban drag shows and story hours because they are certain dressing in drag is AKSHULLY about something sexual, and deviant. They want teachers who acknowledge chosen pronouns or transgender people to be branded a sex criminal. It’s a horrific, vile strategy that cynically uses children as props, as the people screaming about protecting kids aren’t seriously interested in that cause at all. They draft hateful bills, claim the bill protects kids, and if you question the bill they brand you a pedophile. It’s a serious problem with right wing politics and more defamation claims should be filed than appear to be. Hold these terrible people accountable for casually labeling the people they disagree with.

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It's a good thing neither of these two is the least bit religious. Internecine religious wars are the fucking worst.

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can i remark on St. Bartholomew's Day or will i be banned?

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Do not want to know, agreed, I can’t take it at the moment.

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Ta, Dok. Disgusting excuses for humans. WTF happened to them? Know what, I do not want to know.

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You knew this would happen. They will try to out-schmuck each other.

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It's difficult to tell which angers these people more: the sexual assault or the notion of undocumented immigrants having driver's licenses

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Yeah, the latter...remember, their cult leader bragged about sexual assault.

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Definitely the latter.

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Speaking of undocumented immigrants, a while back there were many videos of construction sites in Florida with no one working. The presenters said the undocumented workers left FL to escape DeSantis prisons. Have the workers returned?

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Once again, if you're going to profile criminals who commit crimes like this, "undocumented immigrant" is far from the top of the list.

Start with "man."

Which is not to say that all men are violent criminals, but then, neither are all undocumented immigrants.

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Looks like the wife was the one who initiated the divorce

“The wife of a Florida Democratic state prosecutor says she is getting divorced — in part because she supports President Donald Trump and he doesn't.

Lynn Aronberg said in a press release Thursday that she is "amicably" divorcing Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg.

Lynn Aronberg says she is a "staunch Republican and supporter of President Trump," while her husband is not. She says that fact led her to feel "increasingly isolated in the marriage."

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Oh, but he "isolated" her whenever she wouldn't shut up about how he's baby-murdering satanic groomer deep state vermin, so it's totally him who's intolerant.

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Call Chaya. These people can do a backflip double somersault with a twist on a dime once they find out they can build up fearless leader.

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She did him a favor then.

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I wonder if this means Chaya is wearing out her welcome in Conservative circles. Woke is no longer the winning issue the Right wants it to be and she was front and center. That weird ass interview and her being jewish dont help either

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Is this a leopard-face-eating 69 ?

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Lol, sure seems like it! 💯

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