I got unsaved when I came out. That why Im not around the type anymore. I was 13. I thought they were going to have an exorcism. Instead they did that laying on of hands thing. It didn't work and I stopped going when my parent did at 16. Luckily they just couldn't believe I was going to hell because I was gay. So they told the church to fuck off.

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The MyPillow guy, You missed the MyPillow guy. Assuming that actually happened and wasn't some kind of hallucination.

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I'm gonna be honest here .I got late start on the whole technology thing. If you can tell me how to send you the link on disqus I'd be more than happy to give it a try. But I know some of the liberal sites are carrying the story. Raw Story and I think it might have made it to Daily Beast and Times.

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Ta, Liz.

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OAN I think. Another plant to ask him what he wants, instead of something that hurts his butt.

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Shorter Ron Johnson: "UNFAIR!! Profits are down and GOPers can only refuse to deal with one social problem at a time!!"

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I hear you can buy marijuana with CBD in it. /s

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I have never voted for a Republican senate candidate - my votes were for Feingold & Baldwin, so don't blame me; I did my part.

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Love this... do you have a link to the story?

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Also too covid19 has a lot higher death rate than flu. Depending on your sources a 1-4% mortality rate for covid19 and 0.1% for flu. big diff.

Quote is from WHO, but the rate seems high. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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The Hague court would have a field day with this administration.

And why did someone downfisted beingreleased's comment?

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That's my biggest nightmare.

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This isn't abortion, but he once testified on behalf of the Catholic Diocese of Green Bay to oppose passing a bill that would have extended the Wisconsin statute of limitations on child sexual abuse. He claimed that the Catholic church could not be held responsible for the actions of its employees (and he's not even catholic himself!).

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Which is what's really scaring the crap out of tRump and the GOP.

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I just heard this on the radio. I think his bond is $500?

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Here's the Wonk story:https://www.wonkette.com/ta...

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