Seems to me that leadership could have saved a lot of time and effort by, idk, doing a simple background check. Maybe talking to some of their other onair people.

Wonder if it was worth whatever money they already paid her. The stunt I mean.

This was 100% a stunt

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Even in places with much friendlier defamation laws than the US, it can only be defamation if the person did NOT do the shitty thing you're saying they did.

Right wingers keep using that word. I do not think it means what they think it means.

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I’m glad NBC/MSNBCsecided to heed the warning that were being screamed at a volume even corporate executives could hear. Let’s face it. That bitch belongs in the corner.

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Oh no, did they do a cancel culture to poor Gonna 😄😄😄

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Ta, Evan. Rachel was riveting. Ronna is welcome to go fuck herself with a rusty garden weasel of votes.

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I thought the mouth breathers hated diversity hires.

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Ronna’s employment at NBC was shorter than Rachel’s A-block condemning her hiring.

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Cesar Conde, and the rest of his fucking "leadership team" need to be fired yesterday. Fucking network executives.

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If Fox News and Newsmax and all the rest think this is a great injustice, why doesn't one of 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮 hire her?

Assuming, of course, they have enough cash, given the huge court judgments, both current and incipient, they face for lying about the 2020 election.

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Because, like Trump, they're ALL mouth! It's easier to whine and make their voters believe there's some great injustice then fight The Man (so to speak) in Court when they're sued. Both of them backed wayyyy off their bullshit when Dominion went after them.

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If a white, female, anti-democracy, coup co-conspirator can't get a lush job with a media company, is there any hope left for white, female, anti-democracy, coup co-conspirators in this country?

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Just a few light notes before we get to the serious stuff.

1. I used to experience such serious, negative emotions when I read Trump's shit. Now, I just laugh. I know he and his followers are still existential threats to democracy, but he himself has devolved into a parody of himself. Alec Baldwin is more believable now.

2. Does everyone hear, "Huge Hewitt," in their heads when they see Hugh Hewitt in writing, or is that just my inner middle schooler?

Onto the serious stuff.

Ronna Romney McDaniel now necessitates the need of a new unit of time to join the Scaramucci and the Head of Lettuce.

I nominate an open can of clams as the duration of time relating to her tenure at NBC.

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Fresh mushrooms would work as well. (Which is why I only buy canned.)

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A ripe but not yet rotten avocado.

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1/4 Scaramucci

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Good on MSNBC!

Oh, and fuck Ted Cruz, that wanker.

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It's defamation if it's something you would prefer people didn't talk about.

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"...McDaniel went out of her way to say what they wanted to hear."

In other words, lied through her teeth to get the gig. Trump thinks this is acceptable, of course he does.

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A perfect trump confession. It's what he does, and the cult just won't see it.

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Trump sounds like my dad. And this is neither a compliment to Trump or a slander of my dad. My dad had a traumatic brain injury after an accident and also had a severe allergic reaction to morphine at the hospital. He was literally in the middle of psychosis and Trump sounds exactly like he did. At least dad recovered when they stopped giving him morphine and the swelling in his brain went down.

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