If she was destined for a gulag if trump lost, why isn't she in one now?

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Gen. Ripper: Mandrake, do you realize that in addition to fluoridating water, why, there are studies underway to fluoridate salt, flour, fruit juices, soup, sugar, milk... ice cream. Ice cream, Mandrake, children's ice cream.

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Huh. So it was the writers who made "Roseanne" a good show back in the day, apparently...

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I can't post a picture, but here is President Obama in the tan suit that caused the right to loosen their bowels: https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2019/08/28/tan-suit-scandal-obama-trump/

Suck it up Roseanne :-)

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Why would 'they' need to wait til 2025 to put her in a Gulag? Why not do it now? Y'know, before the election. Cuz if you Gulag all the Trumpers before the election then they can't vote.

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Yeah. Absolute presidential immunity sez Biden can do that!

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Having watched cognitive degeneration in my parents, in-laws, and one or two friends, this is medical. Doesn’t surprise me that Turning Point took advantage. She’ll die in a Medicaid funded facility having been a “generous supporter” for many years.

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Wow. I don't usually make comments about creeping brain death, because it's tactless and I secretly fear that's how I'll end up... but aside from hardcore drug abuse or signing some sort of demonic pact with that last remaining Koch brother, I can't explain or understand this person's downward trajectory.

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Dec 18, 2023·edited Dec 19, 2023

I remember some loser rocker who was somewhere between has-been and never-really-was making the same bullshit claim when Obama was running. Remember folks, these are the crazy uncles and aunts we're voting against.

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It's all projection. We don't need her tens of thousands of dollars.

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“THEY” are always going to lock you in a gulag when they get power, again. “They” are in power now, and are trying to distract us all from the gulags by updating roads and bridges, waiving student loan debt and lowering medication costs, but we aren’t fooled. All this generosity is really just bribes, to make us want to be loyal to THEM to lull us into contentment and then…WHAM! Gulags.

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Remember when we Jade Helm'd America? Good times!

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"Good evening! Welcome to the Isle of Death! I am its chief, its cook, and oh, yes, its bottlewasher, DR BURISMA. As for you, you need no introduction. Daughter of America's most swinging secret agent Matt Helm, and his celestial consort, Taiwan's queen of Karate, Yu Rang. No spy worth his salt would fail to recognize JADE HELM. What brings you here, mistress of mayhem? A plot to gulag the God fearing Methodists of the lone star state? Count me in!"

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Roseanne was always irreverent, it was her defining characteristic and made her career. But she was also capable of regulating how much she wanted to be politically incorrect to get attention. Apparently her filter broke at some point (always change your filter!) and she went from being irreverent to angry, mean and incoherent. When you lose your relevance in the mainstream, and are willing to accept the warm embrace of whoever is left (conservatives), you enter your old, angry MAGA phase. But this also looks like something else, maybe mental illness or cognitive decline, and she should stay retired and enjoy her privacy.

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I read your intro as "Roseanne was always irrelevant". Made total sense to me.

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"Always chsnge your filter" for the win!

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Two words. Lithium. Shut TheF*ckUp!

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No. She was never talented. Never anything much. Sorry. Her entire career was due to the GENIUS actors/'supporting cast' she assembled around her to prop her up. It was her one and only talent. PERIOD.

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Actually, her stand up act lampooned the very creature she’s become.

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Actually, I saw her standup act and I *totally* disagree.

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Roseanne Barr could be brainwashed with a damp cotton swab.

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She's definitely an asshole, but I think she's also really mentally ill, and it's depressing that there's nobody who can or will help her. This is just so sad.

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She has been dealing with mental illness for a very long time now. It was an issue way back when she was married to Tom Arnold, who also suffers from mental illness.

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Mental illness was the key before reality TV was invented apparently.

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Traces back 4,000 years to the area of modern day Israel.

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At her age, it was demand for toilet paper.

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She clearly says "how to get a job" in the second clip, but not the first. You can tell the first clip was edited there by the jump in the movement of her clothing. What's up with that? Was that just a glitch? I can't see any point in deliberately editing it that way, unless it's to make her look even more disconnected than she already does.

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We are doing a terrible job of caring for mentally ill people. I don't say this to be comedic; this woman appears to need psychological/medical help. Her vocabulary is very limited and she has no control over her expressive language, resorting to rote phrases she has heard and repeated many times. She loses her limited train of thought and then ejects a slogan, rather than a continuous thought. It could be a disease of aging like early dementia, or something else. It could also be substance abuse; I suspect a long history of alcohol use. Alcohol is a toxin that destroys brain tissue every time it's used. Long term alcoholics have the impaired speech patterns, loss of vocabulary, paranoia, and loss of overall cognitive function. They also lose the ability to know truth from falsehood.

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I strongly suspect the bad car accident she was in when she was younger damaged her brain in ways that didn't manifest their severity until years later.

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I read her biography from the early 2000's (which I found in a thrift shop years ago) and surprisingly she came off as a lot more intelligent and literary than I would have given her credit for. She talked about the accident she had in her teens - I think she was on a push bike and T-boned a car or was clipped by a car or something like that, but she definitely sustained a traumatic brain injury which took a long time to recover from. She said she was in a fog for months after, and it took more than a year for her to feel like her brain was working properly again. How she is now makes me think of the footballers who had dramatic personality and behaviour changes as part of the degenerative disease triggered by brain injury when they were younger.

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I think this is correct. CTE, if not the specific diagnosis, is a good analog for what she is going through. Hershel Walker in GA had the same thing; Head trauma that was exploited by the GOP.

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