I imagine the step before completely stroking out will be to unleash the MAGAts on all his enemies.

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Picture Trump in the exact situation he's in now, except with his finger still on the button? What would he do? Whatever his current equivalent for going nuclear, it's right around the corner.

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We should be charging for this shit. What's James Carville pulling down these days?

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Ohio did that in 2015 with a constitutional amendment, then amended that in 2018 to tweak some things to make it all work correctly. The Republicans said, "Fuck it. We like the old way," and went with a map ruled unconstitutional by the state Supreme Court four times.

I guess those things go better in states where the majority party respects the rule of law.

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The pundits are going on and on about all the factors that affected this election, women, kids, Trump's candidates, but there's one thing no one's talking about. A whole lot of people in this country are fed up with this shit. The entire Republican Party is nothing but a performative shitshow, and the country's reaching the point of what Tim Ryan (PBUH) called "the exhausted majority."

A whole lot of people are way over the nonstop reality teevee show.

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Hubby and I just went there and to Horseshoe yesterday! It was chilly. https://uploads.disquscdn.c... https://uploads.disquscdn.c... https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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...and there's nothing like an online rant or a frothing at the mouth whine-fest from Turnip to remind everyone what they are done with...

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Sad but true but the days of "dignity of office" and at least the appearance of comity are long gone. Dems are finally understanding that when you are playing by the rules of decorum & good manners with a bunch of obnoxious mouth breathers, at some point you have to punch back.

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So is the original Earl Abel's, where it happened, IIRC.

He was a great man, and his kids (now grandparents themselves) turned out pretty good, too.

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Yeah, but it's that she doesn't even pretend to be a team player. She's so far up her own a$$ that she's effectively useless to the people of Arizona.

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Here's hoping....

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Well, Gallego can get his mad props for being a "shit talker" here, but can he build up a coalition among the voters that Sinema courted to get her elected over Martha McSally? If wants to primary her (and everyone acts like that's sooo easy to do), better start the groundwork now and one hopes he's up to it. But hope alone ain't enough.

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The right wing fucks in Australia got utterly wiped out earlier this year, and one of the benefits has been the calming of political rhetoric.

Government ministers all used to talk in a loud, aggressive way. They'd interrupt, talk over people, endlessly repeat their talking points no matter what the conversation was actually about, and heap criticism on the opposing party. Their tone was fast and hectoring, and their body language pushy. It was fucking exhausting.

Now, when a government minister is asked a question, they... answer it. Their speech patterns are slower and relaxed. Everything is toned down to the level of an ordinary conversation. They aren't aggressive. It's so much more pleasant to listen to.

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and when the party that lost is up now, they sound like hysterical fools - they haven't learned that lesson, so I'm hoping it will continue

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Senate seats are much higher profile and raise much more money. If Gallego needed to raise $27 million he'd have done it.

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