If Orange Asshole had to be removed by force he would be crying like a little girl. He's truly an absolute coward who once poured wine down women's back's and then slithered away.https://www.wmagazine.com/s...

And another: https://www.bustle.com/p/tr...

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In all my years of being in a family of narcissistic liars I have never seen one try to save face. Saving face is only done if you have a conscience to feel embarrassment, and you would need to also show some level of admittance of misconduct. This is Drumpletitskin we're talking about.

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No "TRI--D" to it. They spelled did wrong.

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And I think he’s naked as a jay bird.

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I'm not really into gambling, but boy would I like to play poker with Dev. It certainly wouldn't be considered gambling.

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I would love to see Devin hoisted on his own petard.

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"anything" works IMHO.

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I would bet it is a total grift, I hope the org sues for the money.

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I'm not sure how it could be prevented. He's got the clout to make it happen, if not the brains.

But he doesn't need brains; he's got the animal cunning of a cornered shithouse rat and no moral brakes. If it occurs to him, he'll do it.

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Be careful what you wish for. MSNBC waxed rhapsodic last night with the news that American Oversight.org had landed a bunch of FOIA documents from State. We read them and, aside from confirming that Pompeo talked to Rudy, the bulk of the material was the BOGUS stuff Rudy amassed and dropped over the transom to Pompeo’s secty. in a ‘Trump Hotels’ envelope. Though likely fabricated by ousted, disgruntled Ukrainians, it features a damning timeline of OHJB’s activities there which will be delightful cannon fodder for the tinfoil crowd and further confuse the great unwashed. Unless Lev is willing to state and able to prove that this was a concocted load of bs designed to appease Trump (which it apparently is), would avoid him like the plague. let him cut a deal when Rudy goes to trial.

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Damn. I fucking despise-detest-loathe Giuliani. He ruined NYC by making it much more car-friendly, to say nothing of corporation-friendly. He tried to crush the spirit of New York, and almost succeeded. Ta, $5F.

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It was also used in Guys and Dolls in the Adelaide/Nathan duet, Sue Me. Frank Loesser genius:

[NATHAN]Alright, already, I'm just a no-goodnick!Alright, already, it's trueSo nuSo sue me, sue meWhat can you do me?I love you

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Colbert and Wonkette are what's getting me thru all this nonsense.

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And talking of the Mafia and mob bosses, on a thread with a headline that begins, "Rudy Giuliani's Ukrainian Chucklefux … " Giuliani just babbled and gibbered to Ed Henry on Fox News that he's not afraid of anything that can happen to him, even though "They're going to try to kill me," but they won't succeed because "The Mafia couldn't kill me," and also, Rudy has a big load of evidence of Biden crime which will at once become public if he disappears. And pay-for-play Obama schemes which he and he alone has exposed even though the media tried for three years to conceal them. Yaaawwnnnn.Now senile as he seems to have become, I doubt even Giuliani believes that for a second. Or expects anybody normal to believe it for a second. It's publicity theatre aimed at the poor delusional shmucks who still constitute Trump's hard core support and buy the Trump camp's Ukraine/Biden narrative -- and also still buy PizzaGate and Arkancide fantasies. Yes, it's obvious, I know, but don't expect me to uncover anything deep, subtle or new. I'd be surprised by this inanity of Rudi's if the grotesque and inane hadn't been a regular thing from him for years now.

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I didn't think much could astound me by now. But I'm astounded to read it's possible that Nunes had enough of a brain to attempt even clumsy conspiracy and crime. If he's indicted he can cherish every hope of a verdict, "Not guilty by reason of having less awareness than a fiddler crab."

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