Karma, that selling yourself to the highest bidder doesn't always work in your favor.

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Am I the only one who wants to see a different caption photo so we don't have to look every day at a photo showing the ghoulishly white, long, skeletal looking fingers of Coludy unzipping his wrinkled and dirty pants while laying on the bed in front of that young woman?

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Dang it, a few weeks ago I watched a horror flick whose music track included The Specials' song, "Rudy." Now every time I hear something about Rudy Giuliani, that song keeps running through my head. Rudy, "Stop your fooling around." Alas, it's a bit late for Rudy to learn much from the song's excellent advice.

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Doesn't it just break your heart when an arrogant, entitled, nasty piece of shit like Roodles finds out that his immunity from consequences has been cancelled and he falls, HARD, from the high place that he somehow wriggled up to? All just because he hitched his little red wagon to The Beast, thinking that he would be untouchable if he did his Master's bidding. Quite the enthusiastic henchman he was, too, right up to the point when The Boss no longer found him useful and cut him adrift. If he doesn't wise up and start turning state's evidence, his future looks as if it has already passed and let there be rejoicing throughout the land, Nosferatu has finally gotten caught out in the sun

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That's very good writing.

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kind of you, thanks, but it is a bit verbose. I sometimes wonder how many people start reading but never finish one of my rants

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Seriously, what lawyer works without a retainer or settlement percentage agreement?

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One who is stupid enough to get entangled with Donnie the Mad or his hangers-on, notorious deadbeats all.

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I was going to say something something waking up with fleas. Then I recalled I let my pup sleep on the bed. She’s a spoiled little thing.

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who has the heart to deny them?

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So Rudy Grossie also groped Cassidy Hutchinson? I think there’s a new defense for Mayor Coludie. It was all the Viagra.

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That poor young woman. How could she have known that the pussy grabber had equally disgusting colleagues?/sn

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"Hi. I'm Bill Cosby on behalf of the Rudy Giuliani Legal Defense Fund."

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Pro tip for indicted MAGAts everywhere: See if you can hawk some tees with your mugshot silkscreened on them. Worked for your cult leader.

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I actually agree with Rudy on something. Granted, I’m just a small town solo attorney, but attorney fees of over a million dollars makes no sense. You can hire a top flight lawyer for $400-500 an hour. Exactly how many attorneys, paralegals, and support staff were working around the clock on poor Rudy’s incredibly complicated case? Most civil cases I’m involved with take 2-3 years and cost maybe $15,000 to $25,000 in costs and fees on average. But I’m not involved in the celebrity, television, political propaganda legal machine that these people are all wrapped up in endlessly.

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Michael Milken, the junk bond guy, was spending a million a month on his defense.

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Worth every penny.

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A top flight lawyer costs me $1000 an hour.

Ok, that's not for normal stuff, that's a partner at a major firm... but if I was bringing multiple suits in multiple states all about the presidential election, yeah I'd be expecting to pay over a million dollars.

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I guess fees surely go up over the years. $1,000 an hour should absolutely buy a top-flight partner in a heavyweight firm. I’ve been practicing 23 years, but definitely not in the world of coup-attempting, potus advising and jet-setting with unpaid lady friends and Russian pals. That’s out of my league. :)

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Plus Rudy doesn't strike me as a guy who's good at judging value.

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I suspect there is a strange world of celebrity attorneys who represent famous people and charge 10x the normal fee because if you charge 10x the normal fee you must be good, and people like Rudy and PAB are the stupid rich.

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But you're not facing a felony criminal case, three civil suits and disbarment, all at once. It adds up.

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He does have a few pickles to sort out.

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Things are going fine for Rudy.

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So far, better than he deserves. I mean, he is still not in custody.

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On NewsMux Sebastian Gorka says all the commie libs want to arrest Mayor Rudi cause he ain't skeered an loves Murica.

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You know how we libs are always trying to have people arrested for loving America too much. It has nothing to do with his pathetic abuse of the legal process and defamation, plus laundering Russian disinformation and sexually harassing young women. Nah, he loves ‘Merca too much.

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Ah, the Newt Gingrich defense rears it's serpentine head back out of the slime again.

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When Hunter Biden’s Laptop gets elected President (HB Laptop/All The Drag Queen Story Hours ‘24!) “Loving America too much” will be made a crime

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I'm hoping there will eventually be a nice coffee table book of Highlights From Hunter's laptop." Has anyone ever seen an actual picture of said device?

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Will it also function AS a coffee table, like the K-Man's did in that Seinfeld episode? That would be a product for the ages.

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Not a Seinfeld guy, but I get the idea.

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Didn’t Costello also too used to work for Roodles? Praps that explains Roodles’ “personal hurt,” which is the worst kind of hurt.

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Nobody can tuck in a shirt like Rudy!

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Ghouliani on OnlyFans? Ok, I’ve found the limit of my no kink-shame stance.

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Masterpiece of Snark, Evan. Thank you!

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Public Defender time. The irony is public defenders are bad asses who know how to win winable cases, or plea when it’s necessary. Rudy, PAB, and his merry gang of MAGA goons would be so lucky to have public defenders.

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