Oklahoma Schools Superintendent Wishes We Could Keep 'Race' Out Of Tulsa Race Massacre
Oklahoma goddam.
Ryan Walters is the newly elected Republican superintendent of education in the great state of Oklahoma. Yes, even though he is motherfucker so stupid that he fell for the hilarious conspiracy theory that they're putting litterboxes in the schools for children who identify as cats.
He called the teachers' union in Oklahoma a "terrorist organization."
Speaking about this past weekend's Mommy Nazi Hootenanny Square Dance Klan Bake Moms for Liberty conference in Philly, Walters said it was "the most important conference to happen in Philadelphia since 1776."
The superintendent of education , y'all.
And last night he did some sort of town meeting doohickey at the Norman Central Library in Norman, Oklahoma. He was there because the Cleveland County Republican Party had invited him. Sounds like folks were ready for Walters, because Oklahoma Fox 25 reporter David Chasanov tweeted that somebody in the audience had a laugh track queued up on their phone. Not sure if they used it when this exchange went down:
Someone asked how the Tulsa Race Massacre doesn't fall under Walters’ definition of Critical Race Theory (CRT).
"Let’s not tie it to the skin color and say that the skin color determined that," Walters said.
We ... you thought we were exaggerating when you saw our headline, didn't you. That'll teach you to think things about Wonkette headlines before you read the whole story.
Baptist News Global gets a bit more specific about how the exchange went down:
The conservative Republican was asked how teaching about the 1921 murder of hundreds of Black citizens of Tulsa doesn’t violate his ban on teaching what he calls Critical Race Theory.
His reply : “I would never tell a kid that because of your race, because of the color of your skin, or your gender or anything like that, you are less of a person or are inherently racist. That doesn’t mean you don’t judge the actions of individuals. Oh, you can. Absolutely, historically, you should. ‘This was right. This was wrong. They did this for this reason.’ But to say it was inherent in that because of their skin is where I say that is Critical Race Theory. You’re saying that race defines a person.”
Whew. Is he just pining for a day when race massacres are judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin?
We are just asking. Pointedly.
Here is some goddamned video. And yes, like a true white Republican who only ever learned one Dr. King quote and he's stickin' with it, he did say the words "content of the character." Beyond parody.
— (@)
Wonkette has written extensively about the Tulsa Race Massacre. There is no version of the story of the 1921 massacre of Black people and destruction of the Tulsa neighborhood of Greenwood — known as Black Wall Street — that isn't about white supremacist terrorism. There is no debate. There is no alternate history that this pigfucker can bring to bear. In fact, it was a white supremacist terrorist attack of the most traditional kind , ultimately set off when a white store clerk accused a 19-year-old Black man of trying to rape a white woman.
The Tulsa Race Massacre Was A Hundred Years Ago And Just Yesterday
One-hundred-two years later, the goddamned chipmunk-faced fool Oklahoma superintendent of education doesn't want to "tie it to the skin color and say that the skin color determined that."
Apparently the whole meeting was a shitshow, which we guess is to be expected, considering get a load of this fucking guy. But Walters thought it was fine:
"This is what Oklahoma needs to be about," Walters said. "This is how we get our schools back on track: us coming together despite what we agree or disagree on. Let's have that discussion."
Yeah, but no. Get fucked.
For more on what a lunatic this dude is, may we refer you to his entire Twitter account.
We're gonna have to keep an eye on this one. We have a feeling we'll find lots of reasons to write about him.
[ Oklahoma Fox 25 / Baptist News Global ]
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