The only possible excuse? That photo was taken on St. Patrick's Day.

Or, of course, the day after.

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I just read that some states have lured corporations to relocate by allowing them to deduct state income tax from employees' paychecks - and then simply keep the money.

Is this a great country or what?

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<i>House Speaker John Boehner endorsed Mitt Romney for president Tuesday, saying the presumptive GOP nominee has a set of economic policies that can “put Americans back to work.”</i>

Cut regulations and taxes for the rich, rinse, lather, repeat...

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"I shoulda been the pussydent...only...only...I just can't..."

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"No, if anyone orders Merlot, I'm leaving. I am NOT drinking any fucking Merlot!"

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Senator Orange Muffinman mentioned the word "work" in the sentence. I guess the American worker is kinda-sorta on his radar screen. For the past months the only I thing I've heard from the GOP is vaginas, Planned Parenthood, tax cuts, fuck unions, and let's go have some more wars.

I hope you put lots of mustard on that shit sandwich you and your fellow GOPers are about to eat when you nominate Mittens.

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How is it possible that Boehner has the darker tan in that picture?

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Orangemen <a href="http:\/\/www.citizentube.com\/2010\/07\/orange-marches-lead-to-trouble-in.html" target="_blank">really are douchebags</a>. Wonder what IRA fanboy Pete King thinks taking orders from one. No, wait, I don't give a flying fuck what that walking excrement thinks, especially as come November <em>I won't be in his district any more</em> <strong>YAY!!!!</strong>

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