So you DID see the way that chicken was dressed!

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Now, <i>this</i> is why I come to teh Wonket.

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i have not listened to beethoven's 7th symphony in a long time.

oddly, it does not fill me with rage.

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<a href="http:\/\/sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net\/hphotos-ash4\/487365_267183936721060_897100932_n.jpg" target="_blank">This</a> is making the rounds. This would be fun. Fuck, I would dress in drag for it. At first I thought there were no CFAs above the Manson-Nixon line, but there are some in NH and MA, and they may be moving northward...Sort of like creeping sharia, except with Christians, HFCS, fat, salt, and dough.

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What a snob!

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Dayton's best moment was the WKRP episode there.

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Some 94 year old asshole tried to convert me at breakfast in MacDonald's last week. The noive.

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Hell, even if he lives, it's still a win, because he'll be safely secluded in Chick-Fil-A the whole time, where we'll never be exposed to him.

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It would have to exist to be kept up with.

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... and now you <em>know</em> he did?

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Or, less criminal-trespassily, just outside, taunting anyone that goes in, forced-birther-style.

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maybe the Santorums can meet <a href="http:\/\/www.buzzfeed.com\/daves4\/chick-fil-a-gets-caught-pretending-to-be-a-teenage" target="_blank">Abby Farle</a> there for lunch...

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they do serve their wings breaded or naked...

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Dayton: a city in decline <a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Dayton,_Ohio#Demographics" target="_blank">since 1960</a>. NCR moving to Georgia (in a cloud of broken promises) was the last thing that town needed.

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They always fail to understand that a heterosexual man and woman created the child that enjoys his or her same sex. Mucking Forons.

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