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dude. you need to stop with the -105 P.

you are showing off.

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oh excellent. i would only change:

Washington springtime Teabags like berries, dingle USA! USA!

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shakespeare was a fucking socialist.

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Here is my final word on this, I didn't scan all previous comments, but here goes. George H.W. Bush invited Eazy E to the white house cuz he donated to the campaign. Eazy E, of Fuck Tha Police, NWA, I'd Rather Fuck You, Dopeman, etc. fame. He was so gangsta, he died of aids from random chicks. Common is not anywhere near gangsta on the rapper spectrum. Please ask your local Black Person over age 25 for details. That is all.

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I hope Duh Gov'Nuh never hears Bob Marley's "I Shot the Sheriff."

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Hey Sarah ... rap... it's not <i>for</i> you

Sorry, pointless attention-whore, could you find some other shitstained coattails to try to ride to relevance/grift, other than the Daily Bowtie?

It's 2011. I often wonder if the 'race war' would up and die on its' own if the circus freaks of the wingnut media just took that crap off of life support.


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All the poems Palin knows have the word "Nantucket" in them.

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Sarah Palin™ is just pushing her own rap album: <i>Ice-TP: In the Snow Hood</i><blockquote>I'm a Foxy Lady, an' I'm chillin' Aye Kay is where I play but not gonna stay Round here it's easy to score, Some Bristol Meth or some otha white stuff. I've got the rimes, for these bumpy times.</blockquote> Then it gets worse.</i>

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You'd think she'd be shilling Bristol's new "reality" show. <i>Two Bros and One Ho</i>

<a href="http:\/\/www.huffingtonpost.com\/2011\/05\/09\/bristol-palin-reality-show_n_859487.html" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/05/09/bristol-...">http://www.huffingtonpost.c...

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