"If you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you."

QED, bitches.

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He's certainly got the serial monogamy part down pat.

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Well, not all of us olds have Hoverounds, and there are lots of us who are perfectly willing to run up behind those Hoverounds and snatch the Metamucil out of the drivers' hands. (How else do you think those old farts get going?)

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I learned from the Flo-nase commercial that 6 is more than 2!

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A second referendum? http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-...

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She'll be so confused when the Black Watch drags her to the Tower and they're not even, you know, those people.

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Dirty Sinning is best ponysinning.

Much better than the prequel, Dirty Dancing.

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And Wales it looks like. An Sinn Fein is calling for re-unification.

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And hampsters.remember "V"

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Possum libelz.

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You should take the 1st Panzer Hoveround more seriously. Cane can be used as a lance.

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It depends on if they are Pre-rapture Tribulationists or Post-rapture Tribulationists. I was raised on this isht. It is much deeper than most folks think. AnoinTed Cruz is a Pre-rapture Tribulationist. Hence his belief that his election would help guide America through the Tribulation and convert more of us. Then we could all move to Jerusalem, convert the Good Jews, and be Raptured.Like I said, this isht is deep. Eschatology or just Scatology. Sometimes it's easy to tell.

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Actually no. The Scots hate Trump as much if not more than most of us do. Did you see the Mexican flags they were using to troll him? Brilliant.

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Yeah, she thought she was going to meet the Queen on trip to Canada.

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She very brexcited by the idea. She sure she be welcomed with the open warms.

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