I'm still partial to Mooselini, h/t to which ever Wonketeer named her that. Caribou Barbie a close second.

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brisket is pure lulz. might borrow that one. Up to this point, biff, whenever i shared brisket's stuff on social media, i'd title it "lil cow sez moo" then hit "send". i appreciate the chance to up my game.

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I read that as 'hot yoghurt' and threw up in my mouth a little.

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''The Snowbilly Grifter'' will always be dear to my heart. (the title, not the grifter)

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I whored myself at the bus station with more committment.

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That's an offence to Canadians!

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Having that daddy across the bar buy you a drink?

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Does she still live in Wasilla? Alaska, even?

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Do I have permission to print the Sarah Palin/J. Howard Miller parody Poster? What with her being in Full Fisting mode and all...I need some bathroom art.

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But is she "%100 CRAZY" or "100% Princess"?

Sadly, I guess that now we'll never know...

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she is a fluffer

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I think "The Bore of Babble-On" is a much more appropriate moniker for Sarah "Stupid on Steroids" Palin:)

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To Sarah, printed words are gross, so you're definitely spot-on.

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Sarah has 4.5 million likes on facebook. Wonkette has 3,000. You're not even a pimple on her ass.

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