When we were kids we had a samoyed - burly breed, to be sure - who loved to be stood on by small children. Attention is attention to a dog.

And also, of course, to Sarah Palin.

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but let Bamz puts his feet up on his desk and watch them all go nuts...

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Actually, I found the large glass butt-plug on the window sill to be the most disturbing. While I realize it would be irresponsible not to speculate about which family member racks up the most mileage on it, ten seconds of speculating has left me scarred for life, what with the mental imagery and all. Now I have PTSD.

Gee thanks, Wonkette!

P.S.: No, I WILL NOT come and write for you, no matter how much you plead and beg and shower me with praise and pay my bar tab. Oh, wait...

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I have a confuse!!! since just when did we start calling a cunt a dick

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I think its either the silhouette of a turkey being fed into a beheading chute, or it could be the stain that was under Bristol in those post-brawl photos.

The bigger concern is the red dildo back there. Probably Todd's.

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The word salad doesn't fall far from the salad tree where it grows strong, usually, like it should but you need to take care of it like America, where the strong, you know, as it should be and always was, when the founding forefathers knew watering it with blood being sometimes, unnecessary we hope, but happens when tyranny rears its head, as we have seen a LOT

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Now we know why Putin keeps rearing his head back there -- he's reporting them to PETA.

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Poor kid, bare feet? Though at that age, they do grow so fast. Understandably it's hard to justify new slippers made of live kittens if they're just going to outgrow them in a couple months.

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Calm down. As I understand it, if the dog wasn't forced to choose between jumping from a burning building or dying in the flames, he was not mistreated.

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Wait'll Sarah Palin™ misses the sign for "help with the turkey machine". Hot dogs for everyone!

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65º in Alaska in December proves global warming you betcha.

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Has the Mittster weighed in on this yet?

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My first thought was similar, noting the position of the chin with respect to the counter edge, and knowing that dogs can move rather quickly.

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All the Palins treat everyone else as a doormat. Lil Bit is just starting out.

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It's in code, so obviously we can't understand it.

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