I can totally see how Gaby's hero worship of Xena, combined with her own character development arc, would intersect with Eowyn's, either as a "poor decisions/substitute" a "we both have the same problem" or a more healthy "ships that pass in the night/comrades in arms" style interaction. And both of them eventually step up to be god-killers, so this ain't EVEN a sidekick sidequest story.

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We're getting way OT and this is an old thread, but I had a thought about timelines. Gaby was on episodic television of >100 shows with some long-term story arc but lots of one-off encounters with people from all over various mythologies -- putting her in Middle Earth at any moment presents no problem and I'm sure the show would have done it if the Tolkien estate didn't have a reputation for strongly defending their canon. Eowyn, on the other hand, we see for a very brief period going through some fast phases: daughter taking care of father bewitched by Saruman, infatuated by Aragorn, rejected by Aragorn and going off to war as a death-seeking berserker, and then happily-ever-after with Faramir. I don't think the encounter can happen within the time of TLOTR. Two scenarios: Eowyn in Rohan as a younger girl/woman wanting to be a warrior in a place where that is not expected of women, and encountering Gaby in her badass amazon-queen mode who inspires Eowyn to become what she eventually does. Eowyn in Ithilien as wife of Faramir, encountering Gaby while she's still wearing a long skirt and hasn't encountered the Amazons, still cleaning some remnant orcs out of Ithilien and inspiring Gaby to be more than a sidekick.

I think badass Gaby inspiring young Eowyn would be easier to construct. If you do anything with any of these ideas or go someplace totally on your own, please do a reply that lets me find it. It's totally off topic, but I've enjoyed thinking about this the last few days.

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The only problem with badass Gaby intersecting with young Eowyn is that I have trouble reconciling someone who's met full fledged Amazon Queen Gaby embracing the death urge the way Eowyn does. Not to say it can't be managed, but I lean toward post-Xena Gaby: she's got the chakram, she's Seen Some Shit, and she doesn't take any. A weathered warrior bard with a song in her heart and blade in her hand. Heck, let it be far enough into the Age of Man that she encounters Eowyn in Ithilien, and awakens in the captain's wife that fire which she thought had burned itself out before the walls of Gondor. Eowyn reminds Gaby of someone, if fate had been a little kinder and allowed her to be free without having to be dead.Okay, we have to stop this now.

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He'll be spending all his time facilitating the zillionaires establishing their NZ boltholes. After the policies they've backed come to fruition, they'll be heading south to wait for the bloodbath to end.https://www.theguardian.com...

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Frankly I thought flying foxes were the best thing ever. I nearly lost my shit imagining a bunch of American parents watching their children, whole feet above the ground with nary a safety harness, go careening at top speed towards a tree.

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If anything leads to Rump I'm a bit concerned about what he might do to create a distraction.

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And here I thought it was the lamb.

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This Aussie says amen. New Zealand white wines are amazing.

BTW, the Kiwis can see Scott Brown and his type coming a mile off. He'll get what he deserves, and I can't wait for Scottie to get a taste of Wellington snark! *giggling maniacally*

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Here's an inside tip for you: we export all the really good stuff.

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Think he'd be too dumb to get it. As anyone who's seen Flight of the Conchords knows, the Wellington sense of humour is absolutely deadpan and flies over the heads of the one-dimensional.

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You're probably right. Perhaps flinging female condoms at this guy is crude enough to get him to understand he is a total dill?

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Diplomatic protocol calls for a strict Marmite only diet.

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To be fair, I'd consider pretending to be a Trump loyalist if he'd make me Ambassador to New Zealand. I could probably get the New Zealanders to go along with the joke, sending Trump messages about how intimidated they were by my US-first manly strength.

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Once again, the true ignorance of Fox viewers are exposed. Hey olds, there's this thing called the internet and it has free porn on it. Like upskirt porn and everything.

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Is that anything like vegemite?

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