Yeah. Scott Empty-Barn-Jacket Brown, when one <a href="http:\/\/thehill.com\/business-a-lobbying\/287329-scott-brown-joins-law-and-lobby-firm" target="_blank">joins a lobbying firm</a>, one is a lobbyist. Jackass. But hey, if you disagree, go ahead and sue me.

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I dont care who you are any man claiming to be straight while posing topless around dudes with frozen semen shirts has some explaining to do

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The article on Gaussian curvature was a great find and an informative read (i.e. highly recommended clicky). Although now I really want pizza. And Pringles.

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I thought that the complaints about the "hobo stew" had more to do with the ingredients not containing real hobos, kinda like McDonald's' chocolatey chip cookies using carob instead of the good stuff.

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It made me wonder how Gauss would have reacted to origami.

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Buffalo hunter?

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Wait - is this Wonkette or Cosmo?

That lead photo is very misleading.

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First Republican ever to concede that "lobbyist" is an insulting term.

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They do have 80% of all the money.

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those may be the 6 worst attempts to drag jack the ripper into my TV set, but dick cheney and jack the ripper in a single post works just fine.

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