how do they not understand that "I would like to kiss her", even "I would like to do [insert naughty things here] with her" is not the same as, "I do the sexual assaults to women ALL THE TIME because I am ORANGE!". one is imaginary, the other is an admission of past behavior. one assumes that if the imaginary statement comes true that it is with consent, one assumes that the past tense means something already happened.

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For fark's sake, is he saying half of the entire human population is having clinical-grade emotional breakdowns with nonstop sobbing for an entire week of every month?

If so, how the hell do we get anything done as species? Have any female commercial or Air Force pilots lost their shiat and sobbed hysterically smack-dab mid-flight during menstruation? Female surgeons can't finish an operation because WHAAAAAA due to their period??? Did Medieval planting of food go unplanted because it occurred during menstruation, the result of which would be mass starvation?

Since men have for millennia used menstruation as an excuse to ban women from work for pay other than on their backs, seek degreed education, own homes or businesses, sign legal documents, vote and even learn to READ, I wonder if perhaps a huge percentage of these claims of female collapse during menstruation are a myth.

The church blaming menstruation as a curse from God because our gender was allegedly the first to sin and are solely responsible for men's as well, has done irreparable harm to us that will take another 1,000 years to reverse.

If there are women emotionally debilitated during menstruation, I'd strongly urge them to hunt down and see any and every possible doctor who could explain some science on it and offer something to replace or reduce whatever hormone is responsible.

If this spineless snake were my son, as a mother I'd feel it my duty to punch him right in the face for saying that kind demeaning bullshiat about me and all women who've toiled and struggled on this earth, past, present and future.

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Midol was and still is CRAP; nothing but Tylenol in a pink box. Most of my cycles were before ibuprofen was invented, which I found later DOES work.

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In Milo's cosmology, we'd all be black men who want to top him, because that would prove he's not racist.

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Two observations that are about a century old are "There's a sucker born every minute" (Barnum?) and "No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people" (Mencken)

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I would venture that there's more to it than just eeew ick. I mean pretty much anything that comes out of the body is considered gross but the one only women get is singled out. I'm guessing men just find it easier to make women feel like crap than face the existential crisis of acknowledging that the vagina is there for something other than sex.

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Scttie, I hope you're enjoying your 16 minutes of "fame", cuz after that, you're just gonna be another cnut.

And as I told my SO last night, yes, I can call 'em like I see 'em, having been called one myself when working as a biologist.

Suck it up, buttercup.

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"Pretending it’s normal and acceptable and OK for men to say things like “grab her by the pussy”..."

See, even here we keep failing to mention that this isn't about 'grabbing a woman by a body part', or about saying a 'dirty word' in the description.of the act. IT'S ABOUT THE FACT THAT HE DOES IT TO WOMEN WITHOUT CONSENT!!!!!!! Women he doesn't even know sometimes!!!! This sick twisted lunatic LITERALLY doesn't understand that other people aren't just constructs who exist to facilitate the fulfillment of his desires. He is worse than just a sociopath... he is pretty clearly borderline psychotic....

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Not sure you got it, but that was HUGHES speaking.... the female in the picture..... not the male.

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Herr Ochsner claims he hasn't talked to a single "female" who isn't disgusted by this, huh? Funny. Funny how he refers to women as "females"--like they're animals. Sure, he uses the term "women" a little later. But I think he must assume that if you're not an Aryan male, you must be some kind of sub-human animal. But at least females are good for breeding. Like racehorses. Ja?As for Herr Hughes...well. No, sexual assault is not like getting a period. And it's not like periods are all we women talk about.But while we're sharing, let's talk. Let's talk about how microdicked little pansies like Herr Ochsner and Herr Hughes are so insecure and so threatened by women. Let's talk about how microdicked little cowards like them are bringing this country down. Their cowardice, their bigotry, their hatred and their lies is going to ruin us all and destroy this country. Let's talk about that, shall we?

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Deere John God!

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this just makes me sad. i hope she's not a role model to any young girls. or boys.

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I've noticed a couple of commenters seemed to assume Scottie Nell is a male. Interesting..

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Did she actually just blame God for this?

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"a female"

Hey assface, "female" is an adjective not a noun.

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OTR? Over The River? What, do you go to Grandma's house? You ''females'', (cause it's a noun, don't ya know?) are so confusing. I'm glad I'm gay!

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