How much of this, in your opinion, is Russian bots? Remember, Gabbard is their "chosen one." She's as cozy with dictators as Twitler.

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Dare we hope that one of the 3 comments pointed out what an idiot he is?

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No, the comments back him up. He had one ridiculous post about the Democrats confiscating guns so they could enslave everyone and two people (that we both grew up with-small town) commented on how smart he was.

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At least five of the lunatics on this Facebook thread I mentioned are real people; don't know them personally but know of them and recognize their names. Idiots tend to flock together for comfort and companionship, so maybe the phenomenon isn't as bad as it seems, but I was just gobsmacked to hear anyone saying shit like this at this point in time.

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A-fucking-men. And when we look past SCOTUS, we find that: (1) Trump has already appointed more federal court of appeals judges than any other president since the current system went into effect in the 1890s; and (2) by the end of Trump's first term, 25-30% of ALL Article III judges will be Trump appointees. Since those are lifetime appointments, Trump will be forcibly cornholing the United States from beyond the grave.

Seriously. Fuck the Jilliots. Fuck 'em right in the ear.

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It's not just the Greens who are responsible. Not by a long shot.

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I will have you in my thoughts when this ruling comes down and hope it is the right one we all hope for. What I don't understand is how this idea of "religious freedom" is ok to weaponize against people wanting basic human rights. When does religious freedom begin to impinge upon the separation of church and state. Why is it ok to throw people out of their jobs and their housing, etc. just because your buybull says they are "sinners". And even if you believe that bunch of rot, isn't the overriding message in the buybull that you should love even the sinners? I don't understand why people can't just live and let live already. We are all spirit not just penises and vaginas and buttholes. The only reason this is an issue in front of the highest court in the land is because some people act like buttholes. ok. off my soapbox now. Thanks. Hope you're right about Roberts. But Gorsuch and his upheaval. Oy. Such pearl clutching!

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Well according to the professor who predicted the last 9 presidential elections, we are screwed unless we impeach. The stain of major scandal and wrongdoing will tip the balance. Also that foreign policy disaster now will also make a difference according to his criteria. He says it doesn't matter who runs on either side. It's all down to his data points, such as economy, etc. So far he hasn't been wrong. Makes you think.

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That's for certain. "Liberal mainstream media" outlets that published more stories about emails than about every policy issue combined, toxic online shitholes like Facebook, rampant dumbassery within the Clinton campaign, BernieBroBots, vote suppression, a presidential election boiling down to the viewpoints of the stupidest white people in three states . . . there's plenty of blame to go around.

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Troll says what now?

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Rosie O'Donnell got in shit for suggesting just that, and it has never been stated by the Trumps, but IMHO, Barron does appear to present that way.

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Troll is an aggressive authoritarian. He's not only OK with the establishment of a monarchy, but he also thinks that laws shouldn't apply to everybody; he wants to punish people for being different.

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Be wary, they'll soon block you on this joke of a site

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Wish I could upvote this 1000 times

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In a close election, every single thing is a sufficient cause. Did Gore lose because the Court stopped the vote count? Yes. Because the butterfly ballot confused a lot of voters? Yes. Because Nader ran? Yes. Because he lost touch with Tennessee and couldn't carry his home state? Yes. Because he picked Liebermann and convinced Muslims to vote for W of all people? Yes. You don't have to go back and change all those things, just change any one of them, and you have a different timeline.Did Hillary lose because of the Greens? Yes. Because she didn't visit the Great Lakes enough? Yes. Because Comey dropped his letter in the last days? Yes. Change any of those, or any single thing out of a much longer list.

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I wonder if Troll will think its so wonderful when "sanity" means upholding the Rule of Law and telling its Leader that the Constitution applies to him.

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