I give trying to give him my Paypal but Georgie doesn't seem to like that.

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Organic Tea Party? You have any idea what kind of chemicals go into those?

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That Soros guy has a helluva nerve. How dare he survive the Holocaust?

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Girl, Venmo Sean Spicer a request for reimbursement.


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Oh, the poor thing.

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Yeah, those vehicles are fuckin hawt!

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I never heard of the punk rock band "Watery Bints." But there should have been one.

OH! And "The Dead Parrots."

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It's amazing that with all the unemployment that Trump alleges is out there, we didn't have much LARGER protests. Where were all the downtrodden folks from the coal mines of Kentucky, and the rust belt?The Women's March should have had 10 million protestors. Unless the coal workers just can't imagine protesting for $15 per hour against their beloved Donald Trump.

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It was a bad joke from me . . . but, um, yeah, a lot . . .

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Now maybe if Google paid us all $97/hour to protest, we could go to work for them instead of that cheapskate Soros!

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Janice would, I think, approve.

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The enthusiastic mockery of the Great And Powerful And Stupid always brightens a room and cheers up the audience.

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No wonder she has no time to post here.

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Really enjoying that new Mercedes SUV! Thanks, George.Off to the White House to protest something! (Not sure just what yet.)

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George Soros paid me to support his efforts in Congress to deregulate environmental laws and murder decent, law-abiding Christians with toxic waste. No, wait, I'm confused. That's the Koch Brothers paying off the GOP in Congress. I protest because I passed science in 6th grade and understand human reliance on air and water. Culture of Life, Inc. Jesus wants them to poison you for more profits. You deserve it and they deserve it.

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You'll get a text on your free Obamaphone about the cause du jour.

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