I think they're in a different time zone, so Thursday was like yesterday or something.

(Fortunately, I'm American, so I have a right to be this ignorant of geography.)

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Don't worry bigots. Here comes the <a href="http:\/\/www.huffingtonpost.com\/2013\/06\/26\/tim-huelskamp-gay-marriage_n_3505465.html\?1372281165" target="_blank">wingnut cavalry</a> to the rescue.

Yeah, like THAT's gonna happen.

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Maybe it was more of a "the rest of the country realizes that gay is okay, yawn" kind of thing?

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The pony left from St. Joseph late Wednesday.

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Maybe someone should call them and explain what the 5,000 or so people were doing in the Castro last night.

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To be fair, if BART goes on strike, no one in the Bay Area who takes public transportation is going to be able to get to work ever again, so that may be a little higher in the headline pecking order.

But it should probably rank above "Ancient Horse". I guess that's what happens when you're entire news room consists of 2 temps cutting articles out of the AP news feed.

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But how DID the innocent person's DNA get on the body?

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He's a well-known underachiever. Try him sometime and see.

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Librul media!!!

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