I suppose one could ask the same of any Dem sponsored bill?

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Sure is.

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"Trump thinks" is an oxymoron.

Because Trump is a moron.

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On the other hand, he does like to sign things because it lets him declare a win and hold a ceremony featuring himself signing (when he doesn't forget and walk out the door without remembering to sign).

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I don't believe it's the time so much as the thinking component that is causing the problems.

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Which is why it's somewhat surprising that they're not supporting it. The plans they came up with before were phased in after the 2018 elections. The current situation would hit a lot of people within the next year.

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My understanding is that Trump has already approved the junk policy part by executive fiat.

Re tax reform, as long as the Repubs try to use reconciliation the Dems can just watch from the sidelines. There will be nothing in the deal to attract them and odds are the Repubs can fail nicely all on their own.

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It looks as though the Dems are getting ready to play three-dimensional chess while Donnie plays Whack-A-Mole.

Mostly with his staff, his supporters, and any person of color who strays within sight.

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The majority party in the House, via Paul Ryan, controls which bills come up for a vote. The Hastert rule lets a majority of Repubs control Paul Ryan.

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Which is why Dems/progressives/liberals need to hold their noses and vote for Blue Dogs when that's the only non-Repub choice.

Control of the House and Senate is based on party head count and even Blue Dogs have heads.

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They just have to make sure that the name "Obama" is not anywhere in the first ten words and Trump will never read it.

Alternatively, they can keep a shiny object nearby or post a squirrel just outside the window since Trump has a much shorter attention span than the average Labrador Retriever,

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I have a feeling that some insurance companies are going to play a big part in this election.

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he's not even a turtle anymore. he's guilinggao.

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that's pretty much what I was thinking. and how much do you have to take just to do something that's even close to right?

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Will the Republicans vote for a reasonable compromise? Or do they want to watch all those people die? I'm afraid we know the answer.

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Li'l Donnie heard it was called "the Festival of Color" and said "all festivals matter! What about the Festival of Whites, huh? Huh? Gotcha!"

ETA: Festival of Lights. Diwali is the Festival of Lights. Damn me. Festival of Colors is Holi. Completely screwed up that bit of joking snark. *sigh*

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