I gots me 1 real big complaint and think I may even be ables to invalleydate a few lections.I was lead to believe they were a seperation from the state and jebbus but my electing place is at the baby jeebus's house is this even legal??? I thinks I may con tack one of them thar law peoples and see iffin I might have me a case.They are tryin to keep me from votin since I dont like going to baby jeebus's house.I is afreared of those preachers what like to ghey sechs people and was always telled the house woud probably fall down on me iffin I go in so what is I to do

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or wonkville

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Only problem w/ my paper ballot was that it didn't let me vote against Toomy and Pitts in Pennsylvania. This is because they're not up for re-election today.

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You would think that buying a stamp would constitute a poll tax; they should be giving you postage-paid envelopes.

ETA: My p-ness just grew! Whoo hoo!

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all in all I'm feeling pretty regular today

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