You WERE NOT INVITED, DICKHEADS. They DIDN'T WANT YOU THERE, DICKHEADS. Clearly you are NOT smarter than 5th graders, DICKHEADS.

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This was Hunter Biden's daughter, and you just know that the press would be swooning over the young couple, right? Like hell they would. It would be non-stop shouted questions about Hunter's laptop and China.

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My husband spent his army days playing violin with Pershing's Own in the WH. He played for Tricia Nixon's wedding. Reportedly, Mrs. Nixon's favorite song was Three Coins in the Fountain.

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I, for one, am furious that I was not invited to the wedding.

And all weddings.

The nerve of some people!

Naomi, marry me!

Oh wait, you just got married.

Never mind.

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Don’t give them ideas, they’ll be wanting to watch the Biden’s sleep because their current house belongs to the American people.

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It displays a touching faith in global warming to schedule an outdoor wedding in Washington in November.

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I was working in Maui when Gates and French married on Lanai, trying to escape reporters. As always, The Maui News ignored the celebs (the one exception was when Paul McCartney testified in a civil court case).

I got a page one story out of it anyway when a jerk from Minnesota tried to cross from the public space on Lanai (very limited) to the private property of whoever owned Lanai at the time; I forget, maybe Larry Ellison.

Turns out I knew exactly where the boundary was, since I had gone with my daughter on the one day a year when the boundary was waived, on behalf of the Girl Scouts.

Support your local newspaper. Local knowledge counts. Parachute journalists suck.

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In 1968, my wife and I were visiting New York and walked through a street scene being filmed outside a theater, stepping over cables and stuff. I also stepped around a derelict.

My friends said,"That's Dustin Hoffman!" I said, no it wasn't, didn't look anything like the guy in The Graduate. My bad. It was Hoffman in his Ratso Rizzo costume.

Simpler times.

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My mind was already boggled out when the racist Republicans (but I repeat mselfa) started gushing that in Melania Trump we finally had a classy first lady.

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The tree without any leaves. I have no interest in whether they chose the WH to marry, but I would not schedule an outdoor wedding in Washington in November.

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Chilly. I live about 25 miles away. It was a clear day but too cold to stand around outside.

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Knew I was going down on that one.

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Or, alternatively, in the part of the South I come from, the beer runs out.

True story: Tricia and and I were married in Durham, N.C. The marriage license was 5 bucks and along with it came a clear plastic bag of cleaning products like Spic N Span. Which I held during the ceremony.

Our witnesses were a secretary and a deputy sheriff who were in the elevator we rode down from the clerk's office to the clerk himself who did the deed.

I offered each of them $5 (all I had in the world). The secretary said, "No, buy your bride something nice." The deputy took it.

I love the simple elegance of the Southern folkways.

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They do that all the time for campaign appearances, it's an ugly process and frequently rather arbitrary because of time/manpower constraints. I think it likely that it will be one of the excuses for eventually instituting a 'social credit score' like they have in China. Considering the attitudes of law enforcement I suspect it will go something like:

Ever protest a president? -1Was that president Bush or Trump? -2Ever protest a war? -3Ever protest *for* a war? +3etc.

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oh damn, i took it in high school -- about a billion years ago. i still remember a few of the symbols and occasionally use them...

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