Now, there is a large push to defer the extremely expensive cost of textbooks. I pay between $100-180 for each book. That adds up to a lot of money. Some online scholastic libraries have begun to announce that some of the most basic textbooks might be in their FREE online library.Big News! But, I haven't seen it in the MSM. Remember John Oliver did a episode on expensive textbooks. As for myself, I love spending hours in a city, county or university library!

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Can't remember who did it, but I liked the person who responded to her tweet saying, "You spelled 'stadiums' wrong."

I also recall the lines from the Marx Brothers' "Horse Feathers:"

Wagstaff: "... Where would this college be without football? Have we got a stadium?"Professors: "Yes."Wagstaff: "Have we got a college?"Professors: "Yes."Wagstaff: "Well, we can't support both. Tomorrow, we start tearing down the college."Professors: "But, professor, where will the students sleep?"Wagstaff: "Where they always sleep, in the classroom."

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Good heavens, how in the hell did I miss this one? Fuck you, Greta. Your mobile playmate is not made for reading great tomes of literature or studying the law. Maybe for your moronic texts since I guess that's all your pea brain can handle. Oh, and btw Not Everything Is On The Internet.


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Books are the crown of creation. And music, of course.

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I will tak e a research librarian over the interwebs any day. Research librarians can and will save your bacon if given half a chance, the interwbs will lead you down endless rabbit holes of crap.

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I'll be in my bunk... reading a book!

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This is why you're a nicer person than I am, Evan: I could never smile that sweet while standing next to A Idiot of that caliber.

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There is nothing better than the smell and feel of a book in your hands. Since the printing of the first they will always have a place in our world.

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I have to sort of agree with her here. We should have libraries, but the focus of them really has to change. Even back in 2000-2003 when I was in college, I used exactly zero books from the library to write papers. I was an engineering major too, so the information was fairly esoteric and specialized. We had an engineering library just for it. I still never had to use it. Even back them everything I needed was online. I don't know exactly how the future of libraries should look, but the model of a huge building full of physical books just isn't that useful anymore.

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The school ("university") where I work has a pretty crappy library. That is offset by their subscriptions to a plethora of online databases, but it doesn't really help students distinguish between one online source and another. (No dear, just because you found it on Google Scholar doesn't make it a valid source.) Either way. Somehow, some way, this same school ("university") tells adjunct faculty, that golly gee, no, there's no money to pay you anything resembling a reasonable wage, never you mind about benefits, but can build a "Recreation and Wellness center"--RAW, geddit?) for $31 million. A gym. That students get charged a fee for. (They think it's "free" because the fee is not called "your gym membership.") WE DO NOT TEACH GYM.

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Greta thinks universities need fewer books and more E-meters.

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e-books are fine for books you don't care too much about. easy reading types your book club sometimes picks until you get fed up and switch book clubs. when it gets more complex and you might want to skip back and forth, a real book is much easier.

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wait!....uh....where would they sleep if the classrooms were torn down?

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My sons have a lap top computer for school work and yet still have a back pack full of heavy text books. I don't get it!

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