I would, but I want to make sure I'm home and safely in front of the tv in time for the not-to-be-missed Tim Tebow speech on Thursday. I hear his subject is going to be "passing the buck".

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If I weren't a Steelers fan, I'd ask what he (or Congress) know about passing things.

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Happy Fourteenth, you crazy Marxists!https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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“Oh, Corey!” Hope gasped. “Twist my arm! Tell me I’m a dangerous pen-wielder!”He pinned her arms down rudely on the six foot folding table Hope used as a desk in the Richmond, Virginia Holiday Inn Extended Stay ballroom. "Who has big hands? Tell me who has big hands!"

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Fifty Shades of CrayCray?

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Just enough to get hired, not enough to succeed.

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Not really OT, but... Imagine my delight to read in the NYT this morning that Tim Tebow will speak at the Republican Convention. There's not enough popcorn and bourbon in the world...

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It's funny until the first black guy gets shot for carrying an assault rifle that looks just like a Super Soaker.

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(I really should read the comments before I shoot my pixels off... Alwayspunkindrublic was all over this.)

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Aux barricades!

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Luckily for Christine O'Donnell, she is not a witch, so water should be fine.

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Lost, with the whole of the GOP elite, the MSM, and the Village A Idiots having to take turns in The Hatch trying to hit the reset button every 108 minutes and keep Drumpf from blowing up the party.

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I don't follow football, but I love Canadian contractor Mike Holmes, and Tim Tebow is doing a terrible job cohosting the second season of Mike Holmes's American tv show. To be fair, the show never should have had a second season, but it does, and Tim Tebow is very dull. Even when he's trying to motivate people, he comes off like he's saying something very mundane like, "I am taking the car to get an oil change tomorrow." So... what I'm saying is, he is not an engaging public speaker, from what I've seen. That is going to be a bad speech, on many levels.

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"...other messianic local Republican wingnut real estate billionaire..."

Pretty good description of that asshole - except for the billionaire part. Stupid Carl has never been worth more than a couple hundred million ( and that was at the peak of the real estate bubble, years ago ).

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"So Hicks and Lewandowski were Making America Whoopee Again, fine, but how is Nunberg supposedly tied up in this? (sorry)"No you're not!!!! And that's why we love you.

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will he talk with an empty chair?

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