Many people™ don't realize that there are components of Medicare linked with ACA, including phasing out the Part D donut hole. Outright repeal of ACA will screw this up. Wait until the Trump voters on Medicare get a load of that.

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I will not be freeing my tatas in January outside. I like them attached to me and not with frostbite

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The goldfinch flock that winters in St Augustine is here. Every time I see them I shall think of this non-comment, and spew wine through my nose. Thanks, therblig.

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Please someone give Joe Biden his own talk show or something when he leaves office.

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The haters are using this election as an excuse to voice their long-seething hatred. My Japanese-American daughter-in-law, whose American father served many years in the US military, is scared to death right now because Asians are being told to "go back where you came from."

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Yeah, because everything in life should be PERFECT THE FIRST TIME and it's totally worth losing the whole thing just because it's impossible to switch to a single payer system all at once in this country. Yep, much better to just not have any insurance at all so you can be sure you'll die, instead of have a chance at living. Much simpler, yes.

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The loss of munies of 22 mill will force provider costs sky high, in turn will push premiums sky high also. If allowed to continue, only 8-10 % top income could afford health ins. (will look for link on this, sorry).

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*raises hand* I'm one of those people who benefitted. For TWENTY YEARS I couldn't go to a doctor. I'm starting on my third year of trying to fix all the shit that went wrong during that time. So anyone whining and bitching about how the ACA DOESN'T WORK OMG will get a happy bitchslap from Yours Truly, thank you.

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If the founding fathers had really been as smart and as prescient as a lot of people suppose, there'd be a rule in there about not passing any law written to take effect more than six months after it's written.

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Asked and answered.

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The understanding of all health care by the public is abominable. The " I want the govt to stay out of my Medicare" pretty much sums it all up for me.

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Knock yourself out.

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History is like Country Bill's Buffet. They pick 2 meats, a tater, and 2 colors of jello for todays ideology. And then vote.

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Yeah, there's some confusing hair happening.

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> Nothing says, “America” like bikers and Bible thumpers covered in flags and crosses littering and loitering on the National Mall while they bitch about “fags” stealing freedom.

Yeah, pretty much.

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How about the blowup rat? I really like that!

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