I refused to turn off the snark yesterday. Selfish of me, I know. Somewhat numbed by all this gun bullshit. I guess now I can begin to deal with the news more rationally.

My condolences to Rebecca and to everyone else in here that suffers from mental illness either directly or via its effects on loved ones, or those of us simply inconvenienced by having to remember to take those meds.

This is a problem of mental hygiene. A nation in which a sizable portion of the electorate insists that they are not their brothers' keepers, that taxes are theft, and that all we need are our own guns to protect us is not in good mental health. Period.

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You nailed it. But who's pandering to these irrational individualists fantasies? And how can we make them stop?

I watched that kid's at-the-wheel-of-the-Bimmer video and it made me so sad. How did an attractive, intelligent kid, probably from wealthy family, get so obsessed with pussy?

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I'm pretty sure the Asperger's was part of what made him seem "weird" -- but I doubt it had much to do with his decision to go out and slaughter people.

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The kid was active on some skeevy web sites, where like-minded losers at the mating game share their frustration -- and hatred, mostly directed at women who won't put out. (Because they're creeped out.) With Daily Kos <a href="http:\/\/www.dailykos.com\/story\/2014\/05\/24\/1301671\/-Elliot-Roger-Gunman-in-California-Mass-Shooting-was-influenced-by-the-Men-s-Rights-Movement#" target="_blank">shining a light under that particular rock</a>, the MRA, PUA and PUA-hater nutbags are circling the wagons, per the NRA manual. (Rich Wonkette fodder, if you're willing to pull on your cyber-Wellies and follow the links down the rabbit hole.)

Wonkerati with a feminist bent should bookmark the simultaneously hilarious and horrifying blog, <a href="http:\/\/wehuntedthemammoth.com\/" target="_blank">We Hunted the Mammoth</a>

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Yeah, the elusive (illusive?)) Good Guy with a Gun came through, exactly as he always does.

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<a href="https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=Kvr9LFzOo50" target="_blank">SF6, actually. </a>

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Admittedly, it remains to be seen, but I suspect that the UCSD shooter did not need alcohol or drugs to reach his status as a homicidal sociopath. A first-class narcissist, he blamed everybody else for his own faults, which - in a state where even Don Sterling can get laid - must have been horrendous.

I see being under the influence as a form of reversible mental illness.

I also agree that "mental illness" is a poorly-defined, catch-all label, covering everything from depression to Charles Manson to straight-jacket/padded-cell insanity. Background checks for gun buyers, ideally, would make some distinctions, but good luck trying to inject that level of sanity into a system that's effectively been designed by the inmates. (A fair percentage of the RWNJs infesting the Bundy ranch would not pass an effective mental-health background check . . . and they know it.)

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Outside has fewer atrocities, and you are more likely to encounter kittens there. Outside 2, Inter nets 0.

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Well said! We also need to keep the GOP from denying CDC and other agencies the money to study gun violence.

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This sounds like one of those "weird tricks" I'm always hearing about.

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I got no right to judge. I recently got out of a relationship with a woman who was incredibly insecure and had terrible mood swings, but when her life finally took a turn for the better decided she was too good for me.

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Something to cheer everyone up: <a href="http:\/\/www.huffingtonpost.com\/2014\/05\/23\/morgan-freeman-helium-video_n_5378850.html" target="_blank">Morgan Freeman on helium</a>!

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N2O has the opposite effect on your voice

(or so I've heard)

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