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Because of all the bullshit coming out of her mouth?

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She’s not conventionally attractive.

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This is not my beautiful wife!

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It's like a day without sunshine 🤣🤣🤣

Thx, Anita 😎😎😎

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Her smoky eye runneth over. Quit or be a hypocrit. Can’t have it all ways. !

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"In Jesus's name, go fuck yourself, Amen." I am so stealing this...

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According to Rudy, Trump gave Cohen up to half a million dollars to handle these things without informing Trump about them so he has deniability.

Can you see our Donald J. Trump throwing half a mil in a black hole that someone else controls and pays out without Donnie's knowledge or consent? I mean, Cohen could have been taking that money and paying off contractors Donnie stiffed.

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That's pants you're thinking of.

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One where he knows when to use "too."

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Dear lord, forgive me, but I have no marketable skills...

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perrault of course. and no where near as violent as the Pentamerone or grimms.


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"Too" always follows "also"... Wonkettes/Wonkers/Worshipers know this. You can also too use "also too" in front of "also too" particularly when one is excited. e.g. "I can't believe he also too thinks I'm great also too?! And I also too think he's great also... too."

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It's just plain silly to have a daily white house press briefing when the white house spokesperson lies and lies and lies.

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Last week (earlier this week?) we were told that she was the one who could manipulate Trump and get him to put a less offensive spin on things.

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