i like that hunter is in a place where he can be honest about who he used to be - and while addiction never goes away i hope that his families love and support helps him to keep fighting. regardless of what you think of his dad as a politician, he does the dad thing good

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Apparently that square-headed troll, Comer, has never heard the expression, 'when you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.' Because he's ass-deep in the biggest hole ever and there's no one to hand him a shovel. He's busy scooping out the shit with his bare hands and making no progress whatsoever.

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It's a long way to China.

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“They’re just so corrupt!” sputtered Ainsley Earhardt. “The whole family’s so corrupt!”

Aaaand that's slander. Sue that person. Since it is immediately after it has been proven to be false in Earhardt's presence, it should be easier to prove malice. Or at least harder to claim it was anything but malicious.

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So fucking tired of everyone demanding that we treat these bomb throwers with levels of respect they absolutely don't deserve.

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So, so many POTUS’ have had embarrassing relatives, all-too-happy to benefit (or try to) from their relation in/to power. I mostly don’t care, as they generally don’t hurt anyone but themselves.

The GOP has achieved something novel with their constant pursuit of Hunter Biden: I think much better of the man because of it.

He screwed up, he owns it, he’s trying to do better. Unlike the Trumpspawn, he has a father who truly loves him. I wish him well, and hope he manages to stay clean and sober (but he will still be loved and supported by his family if he can’t), something the GOP is trying to spike.

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Love isn't all we need, but it sure as shit helps.

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Hunter Biden and the Biden hunters: tae kwon dodo.

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it seems that comer has become a staple part of Evan's reporting.

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I hate these smarmy, self righteous banjo picking fools so much! That fake ass, down home schtick is enough to give me freaking heartburn!

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What a maroon!

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an imbessle.

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What an ignoranimus!

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Feb 29·edited Feb 29

Comer is such a pathetic weasel. He loves to talk big during interviews like he’s completely got Biden dead to rights but in the next breath he’ll tell you that he’s going to be looking at more records in the coming weeks. It’s like why do you need to do that dude if you’ve already got an ironclad case? Don’t you have your informant and your whistleblower and your checks showing obvious China money going to the big guy? Oh right that’s all a bunch of made up bullshit and he knows it.

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"So you think it's ok..."

No, you dipshit, we don't. Which is why it's appalling we have to watch you waste time, money, and the future of the goddam country attacking an innocent man while defending the literal head of a CRIME FAMILY leading your own party.

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It’s hard to imagine what outcome Gomer was expecting. Did he really expect evidence against Biden’s to magically appear or did he think if he blew enough smoke he could damage Biden the way republicans used Benghazi to damage Hillary Clinton? Either way, the federal government should hand an itemized bill for all the taxpayer money he wasted in this farce.

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Bingo, they thought, well it worked with Hillary...

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Feb 29·edited Feb 29

"Did he really expect evidence against Biden’s to magically appear or did he think if he blew enough smoke he could damage Biden the way republicans used Benghazi to damage Hillary Clinton?"

I'm 100% positive that's what he thought would happen. A Republican will ALWAYS try again the same trick that got them results the first time.

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Sadly, they have managed to delude a number of non trump Republicans into believing this utter bullshit! I know, because I've heard it parroted back to me by my mostly apolitical Aunt, who tends to skew conservative based mainly on her privilege that she's woefully unaware of.

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I think it's happened to my best friend as well. We've been friends since the very first day of sixth grade. She's not at all political. Never has been in her life. But ever since her mom came back to Michigan from Arizona several years ago, I've noticed little things creep into her conversations....like "people that cross the border with legs the size of cantaloupes" (that one came from her mom). She hasn't gone full Republican YET but still, I worry.


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Omg. Quoting Steve King is NEVER a good sign. Sigh... These bastards have got their slimy tentacles just embedded everywhere. They watched GI Joe and thought Cobra sounded like a pretty sweet plan. They caught some marvel movies, and figured out they were team Hydra all the way, BAYBAY.

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"... wailed Ainsley Earhardt, 'The whole family's so corrupt'"

If only I could put a "DEFINE YOUR TERMS" sticker on this nation's forehead

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Edit for opening sentence, 2nd graph:

Here is Steve Douchey on "Fux & Fiends" ...

That auto-correct always screws up.

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Question for those who know congressional testimony: can the person subpoenaed to testify before Congress not take the oath? I'm thinking that person swears to tell the truth but there is not such requirement on the congresspeople to tell the truth.

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Those are two different questions, but unfortunately many of the lies modern Republicans tell are unfortunately protected by a Speech & Debate Clause in most desperate need of upgrading

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HeartStrongs Evan! Pigfucks teeny donger stapled hunters mighty paperwork schlong 🤩

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These idiots again? Please God. Make the stupid stop!

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Not to kink-shame, but I'm honestly beginning to think a shame-kink is actually part of the Confederate genetic heritage

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Yes, they definitely have that humiliation fetish thing going on.

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So much proof that you are correct.

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