Yes, lynch-hearted jokes. I mean, lighthearted! Sheesh, why so sensitive?

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When you look at who is and isn't considered a patriot these days, I'm good with the original quote.

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"Eat shit until it's coming out both ends, you racist, motherfucking asshole."

A problem, Governor? Can't take a joke?

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Now, did he buy himself a multimillion-dollar yacht, or did he pick up a multimillion-dollar yacht that someone else bought for him.

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That "they" is doing a helluva job here. They being someone in the Biden administration. I imagine we would have heard about that long before now. Especially if it was when Tuckums still have a job.

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Who gets the money?

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I ran across a troll once who believed that Dems spoke exactly like Republicans behind closed doors, and that we just had better discipline and didn't slip up in public.

What he didn't realize was that, behind those closed doors, we're rubbing shoulders with women, POC, and LGTBQ+. Really gotta be all white behind those doors to pull that shit off.

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What happens if a liberal parent complains about something the right really likes in the schools?

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Probably time for anyone who wants to be considered a real journalist to jump ship.

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They do think it's pretty funny that people would actually not be white.

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He looks like a movie bad guy, although what’s coming to my mind is more from the witch-burning era.

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Arguably, a large chunk of our problems now stem from having not done that to enough traitors after the Civil War. If we had made it clear then that Black people were people, maybe we could have headed off some of this other bullshit.

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Yes and after january 6th the same mistake was made. Oaths of office are apparently WORTHLESS an can be violated at wish.The media should be full of the pledges the traitors made followed by scenes of them violating it.

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Magats will be the most wanted; Not happy about that, but I would rather hunt terrorists than have them hunt me.

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It's only fun if fossil fuels are burned. WHY DO YOU HATE FUN!!!!1!?

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