As Rick Wilson famously said, "Everything Trump touches dies."

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Snotty privileged white boy says what?

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Exactly, like he would have landed that ‘job’ of his on his own merits, lol, that condescending little prig.

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Complicit! This! They're all Susan Collins-y about everything. So fucking 'concerned', with their hand wringing. Gah!

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I have so much respect for these players. They do not get to retire into some soft speaking gig. They have very few earning years, and Colin Kaepernick had his career destroyed. I just want to express my respect.

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Sportsball? This liberal contempt for sports makes me almost want to see Trump win

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Or Formula One. At least Mercedes painted their cars iconic silver cars black in support of BLM. The sixth (and soon to be seventh)time World Champion, Lewis Hamilton, is a handsome Blah man(sorry I mentioned his handsomeness, but damn, I am old, not blind and some of those drivers are FINE and they don't have 6 packs, they have 12 packs).

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I'm not sure that what he does can really be called "work"

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That isn't making the claim you said that people were making. You said that people believed "he was just minding his business, getting in his car, when he was accosted and shot by police." That's not what was said, nor what was argued.

What was said was "Jacob Blake is a 29-year-old father, brother, son, and friend, and now he's paralyzed, after a peace officer shot him with all the consideration you give to swatting a fly." This is a statement about how easily and with what little consideration the police officer shot him repeatedly in the back. I can quite easily give very little consideration to swatting a fly even after trying several times to do so and failing, and even after the fly has annoyed me. The point is the police treated Blake like he was less than human and that his death would have been as insignificant as swatting a fly.

You are misrepresenting what you claim is "the prevailing thought", and you are doing so in order to argue that the use of such deadly force was no big deal.

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yes, absolutely.

sports are a reward for a society that handles its business. we ain't that.

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I’m sure that’s not what he meant. I think he has a problem with certain kinds of people who have money and power doing something right with it, that he would never do. In other words, that whole family, including the ones who marry into it, are rotten to the core. I’m still trying to get that Kimberly Guilfoyle’s unhinged diarrheatribe out of my head.

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You're just getting too good, Daniel. We can't tell your snark from the real thing anymore.

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they used to take their shirts off after every goal, until some idiot decided they should get a yellow card for that.

I admit it: I like to see footie players with no shirts...

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And when fascism arrives on our shores, it will be waving a flag and carrying a bible.......never mind, too late.

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