'Morning, Wanderer. Just turned off the light and getting ready to roll up the sidewalk. Clean sheets, clean body, first yawn, whoops, second yawn. All well with this corner of the world.
I went out with a friend on Friday night as soon as Life of Brian came out in the theaters. He'd had a godawful week at work and fell asleep for part of the movie, including the alien spaceship scene. He didn't believe me when I described it to him on the ride home.
Those small trucks were popular among women and were also all Japanese models. American manufacturers wouldn't stoop to produce a truck that didn't scream the driver's problems with his penis size.
Ms. O had one in the mid-70's in central Florida. She worked as a freelance public accountant. A lot of her clients were construction companies, the boom just starting around Orlando. One client had her drive out to the development site in the middle of nowhere every other Friday with payroll, in cash. $20,000 - $30,000.
The passenger seat held a .22 semiautomatic and a German Shepherd.
In case people were not aware, QAnons oppose globalism by supporting a connected network of international nationalists (quasi-, crypto-, proto-, or actual fascists) who collaborate across borders to construct an international order of aligned fascist states. They therefore cheer on any fascist, no matter how little they know about their country's politics, and any military (like in Burma) that crushes popular dissent. This is because they are free thinkers and love freedom.Anyway, they are confused about why that one-man plague pit, the Lazareto on legs and perpetual bird assault victim lost yesterday in Brazil.
Unfortunately, sending things over wires isn't the air waves. The FCC can't touch 'em.
'Morning, Wanderer. Just turned off the light and getting ready to roll up the sidewalk. Clean sheets, clean body, first yawn, whoops, second yawn. All well with this corner of the world.
Sleep well!
It is broken. It's been broken for years but another bit broke off recently.
Thanks. Happy walkies!
I went out with a friend on Friday night as soon as Life of Brian came out in the theaters. He'd had a godawful week at work and fell asleep for part of the movie, including the alien spaceship scene. He didn't believe me when I described it to him on the ride home.
Those small trucks were popular among women and were also all Japanese models. American manufacturers wouldn't stoop to produce a truck that didn't scream the driver's problems with his penis size.
Ms. O had one in the mid-70's in central Florida. She worked as a freelance public accountant. A lot of her clients were construction companies, the boom just starting around Orlando. One client had her drive out to the development site in the middle of nowhere every other Friday with payroll, in cash. $20,000 - $30,000.
The passenger seat held a .22 semiautomatic and a German Shepherd.
I take it they're not friends anymore?
I'm sorry. That is miserable.
Q news!
In case people were not aware, QAnons oppose globalism by supporting a connected network of international nationalists (quasi-, crypto-, proto-, or actual fascists) who collaborate across borders to construct an international order of aligned fascist states. They therefore cheer on any fascist, no matter how little they know about their country's politics, and any military (like in Burma) that crushes popular dissent. This is because they are free thinkers and love freedom.Anyway, they are confused about why that one-man plague pit, the Lazareto on legs and perpetual bird assault victim lost yesterday in Brazil.
Couldn't get the neighbours.
I almost forgot that one time he was in hospital it was because he was literally full of shit.
She's an honorary dude on suits. 90% of her screen time is with men.
The birds assaulted him because he didn't know the pecking order.
I'm too old for that shit; just give me my flying car.
Hey asshat, is it possible that Bolsanaro is simply a piece of shit and > 50% of Brazilians figured that out? I mean, unlike you?