I am not ok with doing that to anyone. They did that to the one kid everyone thought was gay at my Catholic High School. There were wire locked so you could not hide things. They threw him in there and peed on him and left him yelling for the janitor at least once. So if you actually did that to anyone ... well the sociopath from your high school might be

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We're all concerned!

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Oh, right! Sorry.

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That's actually his smile.

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Looks like he was born in that uniform. Only why the long face? Nazi op-ed rejected?

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What's complicated about it? Like terrorists and mobsters, he makes his mark by causing pain. He feels great about it, because to him it's funny that he can get people upset. Like parents at the border who have lost or are losing everything.

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OK OK. Noted, all.You're not a right wing type so don't carry water for them. Seriously, dig deeper since you seem to be serious person. Beyond NYT, WP.For example, look at how a minimum wage compares now to 20 years ago, in purchasing power.Drop the both sides stuff. It's silly. Yes the WP, NYT do it - they're often silly.Here's a good read, speaking to that, also with a paragraph on the minimum wage https://disq.us/url?url=htt...Those are good places to start. Dig deeper. Be skeptical. Remember that most things you hear are put out there by people with the means to put things out there. What priorities do you think they have?

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Now ya got me interested. I never thought to ask my Mom when she was alive, as to how she used to cook it.

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Actually, that makes a lot of sense on your first post. I think its part of the culture of wonkette where people use fuck off more as the cultural norm than an act of hatred. You gotta admit its a bit jarring to someone who doesnt post as often.

On my Facebook page, some die hard liberals agreed the minimum wage cant be 15 for every state and there was a lot of nuance. I didnt form my beliefs by reading right wing publications either. I believe it was WP or NYT where I read a news report to the idea with firsthand accounts of businesses in Seattle that had to cut shifts and struggle every which way.

I do think polarization is a humongous problem. I agree that the right is the biggest culprit but "they started it" cant be the end all of the argument. Theres gotta be a line simewhere and polarization isn't good for its own sake.

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Being told to fuck off on Wonkette is close to being an endearment. But since it bothers you so much, I'll refrain.Do your part by not posting rightwing nonsense. Like the "15 dollar minimum wage is 'too high'" (you posted that outside of any context, and without doing any homework on it, just mindlessly and gratuitously repeating a rightwing talking point). Likewise stop with the "oh I'm part of the reasonable center" bullshit, like whining about "polarization" (there is no polarization, there is a right wing that has proceeded from decades of various kinds of fuckery to an outright assault on democracy itself; the "left" in the US is a broad center-right/center-left, their range of opinion and policy proposals extremely mild by any historical or global measure). So stop with the "both sides" and "polarization" and "it's just economic theory" bullshit. It is itself as damaging as the outright rightwing talking points. Get educated. And keep voting for Democrats. Here's a homework assignment - go read one complete year of Krugman blog posts (https://www.nytimes.com/col... and come back and report if you disagree with his analysis on any points. (If you do you probably haven't read enough or thought hard enough, because 'Krugman'.) I'll be here (maybe you should post in a new open thread, with some insight you've gained).

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You know Sarah loves picking that nose and whatever. Many people do but Sarah’s digging and getting off on her Christo-fascist fantasies at the same time.

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I doubt the Nazis even like his wimpy little pathetic ass.

Nice to have to worry about your food being spit in or worse for eternity eh.

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That all adds up to a really messed up person, whatever the diagnosis.I mean, how many isms and schisms can one dude have?

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I saw a show on the Travel Channel (IIRC) featuring a chef from a 5-star hotel on Maui. He was cooking with Spam!

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Good call.

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