You probably already know too well, but it can get difficult quickly in small places because there's usually not a lot of hospital capacity.

Be safe, obviously.

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Urk. My parents live in a north-Houston suburb, so Conroe is waaaaaaay too close for comfort. 😱🤬

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"Wearing simple face coverings is not about protecting ourselves."

Actually wearing a mask DOES protect oneself. However, it's less effective at protecting oneself than protecting others. Republicans think in binary terms, so it either protects or it doesn't. They can't deal with any sort of nuance. Here is a simple explanation, though apparently it's still too complicated for conservatives. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Oh, right. National Dog Frightening day is coming up.

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Used prophylactic libel.

A used prophylactic implies a period of pleasure prior to that. Nothing's been pleasurable about this.

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We'll always have Russia.

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Kitty looks like "Fortunately, they outgrow this phase."

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Yes, Dok.

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Fuck you Ronna, you too Douchey.

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I work (remotely) with a guy in Illinois. I desperately try to avoid political talk, but he brings stuff up. One of his more common quotes: '...I won't WEAR a MASK.'

I immediately try to change the subject, but inside my head, well, you can only imagine.

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There's no musings like Trump's musings, There's no musings we know! Absolutely everything is nonsenseNothing here makes any sense right nowww!Evry'one around him is spit-takin'And fakin' furr-owedBrowwws!!

(Sung to the tune of "No Business Like Show Business")

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propagandists, yes . . . republicans, not so much.

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Mount Rushmore is under the care and feeding of the National Park Service; not state-maintained or managed. WTF?

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I am an ordained minister of Dudeism. I hereby grant you reprieve on any sin you may feel, and declare that it is FIVE OCLOCK NOW!!!!


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I STILL do not understand how the Trump campaign couldn't get normal looking masks made. Disney has branded masks now. Every sports team does too. HOW, in the name of all that is marketable on this earth, did they end up with those weird mousepad-looking things instead of just simple red masks with a tiny MAGA on the lining or something? Or the whole damn slogan. HOW did they miss this? This is the campaign that made hundreds of thousands selling BRANDED PLASTIC STRAWS.

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