I think there's a simple answer to all the R's who are claiming torture is no big deal. We should simply ask them to undergo the procedures themselves and tell us if they felt any discomfort or fear. Since in some cases that would require that they spend 47 days in solitary confinement and then begin 80 days of physical torture, I think most of us can agree that Dick "Dick" Cheney should go first, and then all the R's in leadership positions.

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"Now we see why DiFi published the incomplete "report" yesterday: To divert attention from the Benghazi hearing today"

Is a thing that A Actual Person On The Twitters said, possibly thought, arguably.

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Look, just because all those <i>other</i> hunters didn't find the witches doesn't mean we should stop looking. The American People have spoken (or 19% of them anyway.)

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Separate, <i>competing</i> investigations. Because if there's anyone can get to the bottom of this terrible <strike>Hillary Clinton</strike>problem, it's two of the bottom-rung dumbest members of Congress, just barely above Steve King and Louie Gohmert.

Which, if you think about it in a clear-eyed and rational manner, means we need a Steve King And Louie Gohmert Committee to investigate this immediately.

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"The Troops" were already at risk. They volunteered to put their lives at risk.

What they did not volunteer for was to be props for your cheap, self-serving publicity stunt, <insert political hack>.

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Technically, it was only one who did time, but in Washington terms, that's a huge number.

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Huh. I always thought it was only Liddy that served anything more than time served. The more you know.

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Maybe we could get Oprah to help. You get a committee! And you get a committee! And you get a committee! Everyone gets a committee!

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Sounds kinda faggy. Can't we just say "lightish purpley red?"

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Is there a <i>good</i> day to be a purity ball attendee?

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Finally! I'm glad someone is investigating BENGHAZI!!1! Rep. Gowdy (R-Beating a Dead Horse) is obviously an American hero who I'm just sure will prove that it was caused by Obamacare death panels.

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As a bonafide homosexual, I can confirm that we totally caused it. Because gay marriage and we are that powerful. Fear us.

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As per Darth Cheney, nothing wrong with a little torture. He's even incorporated the theme into <a href="http:\/\/www.cafepress.com\/bettybowers.1450315705" target="_blank">this year's Christmas Card.</a>

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Mr. Gowdy, <i>Let me compare Thee to a Summer's Eve....</i>

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Gowdy should also open another investigation into that Monica Lewinsky thing.

Cuz <i>that</i> one wasn't studied to death either, too also.

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