My (late) Religious Science minister used to say that women are encouraged to express emotions to a fault -- with anger being the one exception. And on the other side of the equation, anger is the only emotion men are encouraged to display at all.

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More than once I've been asked 'how many children do you and your husband have'? We were child-free by choice. Neither of us had any interest in raising children and there certainly isn't any global shortage of people who do. It's not like a hobby that you can just drop if you lose interest in it.

And no, we didn't forgo having kids because "we were both too selfish". Truly selfish people often do want to have children and don't let their own selfishness stand in their way for a second. But the explanation is useful in a way -- it confirms the still-popular belief that if a female humanoid hasn't reproduced, there's gotta be something wrong with her.

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When I was born my parents already had two girls and had their hearts set on a son. Didn't happen; now they had three girls. I don't even remember how old I was when some "loving family member" told me what a disappointment I was when I was born. And it wasn't the last time.

Yes, I was loved anyway. But being loved "anyway" isn't something I'd wish on any child.

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No one is "pro abortion" in the sense that abortion is after the fact. Any sane person would prefer that an unwanted or medically dangerous pregnancy didn't happen in the first place.

Unfortunately, many people hear what they want to hear and assume that pro-choice people are really anti-abortion but just won't admit it.

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Nevertheless, the "dreadful option of late term abortion" is most often an option for medical reasons.

We're not supposed to mention that part.

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One of the aspects people don't mention -- often due to the outraged and negative reactions that are likely -- is the high rate of divorce in families with special needs children. It's not always like those sugary stories the "Readers Digest" used to republish or, for that matter, Mommie Terry's perspectives.

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This sort of paternalism is rolled out against trans people all the time, too. I wish other people would keep their business out of other people's bits and just get on with it.

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That's really fucking stupid. What if someone told him, "You have a tumor in your body that is kinda shaped like a face, so we think it's a person. You cannot have it removed because we said so"? Wouldn't he be fucking pissed? People generally don't take it well when you try to take away their most basic right to do what they want with their meat-suit.

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Thanks, Robyn!

This study confirms and amplifies previous studies that interviewed women immediately and up to three years after an abortion and found that 95% or more felt they made the right decision and don't regret it, and that percentage does not change over time.

There are also multiple studies that show that women have a high degree of certainty and confidence in their decision to seek abortion.

Women are not conflicted by this decision... they know what they want to do.

So all that faffing around with ultrasounds and counseling is ridiculously meaningless, and that shit is simply implemented as a burden on the women seeking abortion, not for any objective purpose.

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I didn't agonize at all. It was the easiest decision I've ever made.

I'm not trying to make it seem frivolous, but I've had more back and forth over where to go on vacation.

You bring up a good point, though, Granny... are there any laws that claim to be designed to help men avoid regret?

I can't think of one. Not even the dumbest tattoo is subject to a waiting period or counseling.

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To those dipshits? Any.

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I did too... as if my whole life suddenly got sunnier.

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Odds are the Primerica MLM

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I was 28, I'd had seven pregnancies in six years, and they still made me jump through "Are you sure?" Um, given that I went nuts last time and said that I was never doing it again, yeah, I'm sure. "What if one of your kids dies?" I looked at him with contempt and said, "People are not DOGS."

Words cannot express the relief I felt when I had my tubes tied.

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all of us know a small kid who is close to us in our lives who we love very very VERY MUCH just try to think " what if they never existed becasue they were aborted ?"

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