So basically it’s the position of the Texas DOJ that since pregnancy can be life-threatening, doctors need to let it be life-threatening? That all pregnant people are required to experience the full measure of peril their pregnancy poses them?


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Lest i risk the full weight of the ban hammer, let me just say:

May Ken Paxton get what he oh so richly deserves.

In abundance.

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I said this elsewhere, but I continue to be shocked that these fucking monsters can shock me, but this is just beyond heinous. Anyone who votes for a Republican is a monster.

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The hospital needs to go to the mat on this one, as does the doctor.

If people keep kowtowing to this crap it will never be defeated.


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I'm sorry that I only ever comment on this one topic, but...flames on the sides of my face is not remotely strong enough.

I knew there was a lot coming out against prenatal testing (particularly the NIPT blood tests) and wasn't sure why, and it infuriates me that it's another forced birth tactic. When I got pregnant just before my 40th birthday, I knew there were elevated risks and did the NIPT as soon as I was allowed. I have a clear memory of people constantly asking "do you have the results yet? Do you know if it's a boy or girl?" and seething inside because I didn't CARE, what I needed to know was the risk profile for Trisomy 13 or 18 so I'd know if I needed an amniocentesis to know for sure.

I was very lucky. I came back low risk for all categories, and baby has eviction scheduled for 12/26. But if 13 or 18 had been confirmed, I would likely have terminated. Not just because carrying a non-viable fetus would have been traumatizing. Not just because I would not want to bring a child into this world to suffer for a few days before death. But because the clock is very much ticking, and the sooner I terminated the sooner I could start the next round of fertility treatment for my very much wanted baby.

(as an aside, said very much wanted baby has, over the past few months, brought me shortness of breath so severe going to Target is a near-impossible struggle and now has me on pre-eclampsia watch, which would greatly increase my risk factors for future cardiac concerns, so I'm extra hostile now to the idea that anyone should have to do this against their will.)

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I was just a couple of years younger than you when I had an amnio that said my baby had Trisomy 18. I don't think I would have survived if I hadn't had an abortion. The kid I had after that just turned 26. You're right about the trauma. I'm so glad to hear that everything looks good for you. May your birth be simple, and may you have many, many years of love, not too much exasperation, and health for both of you.

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I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I appreciate your kind words-- as much as I know that the hard part is actually being a parent, it will definitely feel like an accomplishment to get to the end of this particular road.

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Go Haycorn Muffin! Keep on baking peacefully till after Christmas and have a safe and stress-free delivery! Your mom is awesome but she can wait to snuggle you till you’re ready.

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Thank you <3 We're far enough that an earlier birth would likely be free of preemie issues, but I have Things To Do.

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I hope everything goes smoothly and your baby makes their debut with no complications. May they be blessed with extra thigh chonk. For no reason other than fat babies are the best. Congratulations! You’re in the home stretch and you’re gonna do great.

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Thank you <3 They are confirmed by ultrasound to likely be a chonk and I can't wait.

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What a fucking monster. I am sorry for Wonkers in Texas, having to deal with the likes of Paxton and Abbott.

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Is Paxton fucking serious? Threatening hospitals, wildly "interpreting" "laws" where the interpretation makes zero sense, and completely ignoring the suffering of (1) Ms Cox and (2) the fetus, should they beat the very long odds and make it to birth. Not to mention that there's an incredibly low chance of the child surviving beyond a few hours, maybe a few days.

This is repugnant and sick, even for a Republican like Paxton--who quite frankly should have been kicked straight out of the Attorney General's Office and into a federal penitentiary A LONG GODDAMN TIME AGO.

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He's establishing that women have no rights or constitutional protections from being killed by the State.

Texas has declared an overriding interest in protecting potential life over actual citizenship.

Jim Crow is back

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I can't help but think how different the political outlook would be if it was a man's problem... WTF?...

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If the Attorney Goniff of Texas calls a judge “activist”, I guess that means you can ignore a TRO.

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“There are no facts pled which demonstrate that Ms. Cox is at any more of a risk, let alone life-threatening, than the countless women who give birth every day with similar medical histories.”

Yes, pregnancy, especially with a difficult medical history, is actually much more dangerous than we think it is! This does not prove what you think it does, you reprobate horsemonsters! If someone cuts my arm off and leaves it unbandaged, I am in no more risk than anyone else who has had their arm cut off and left unbandaged, which is to say, QUITE A LOT OF RISK ACTUALLY!

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eat a dick you wonk eyed fuck @KENPAXTON (no offense to the wonkette!) you are merely a vessel for democrats to dominate the next 100 years of elections.

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So much makes me angry about this. Obviously, the woman who wanted her baby and now just needs healthcare, which is denied by the insane Texas laws, is horrible, and we must fight for this basic healthcare. However, I cannot help but grieve for all the women who cannot have a baby or another baby at this point in their lives for financial reasons, or they are just not ready. Because of Texas' draconian abortion laws, these women are forced to carry those pregnancies regardless. We do not hear enough about those stories and this is what will impact us in the next 15 to 20 years. Unwanted children are not happy children, no blame to the mothers who were forced into bringing them into the world and raising them.

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And... As I've brought up beforehand... Harvard(?), had a study of how crime went DOWN when abortion v was legalized.

In otherwords,... Unwanted children are not parented well.

Who would have guessed? No $, no time to properly parent, anger at being forced to parent?

These are the options that occur in many of those situations...

As proven time after time...

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Madness........Evil in it's most malevolent iteration.......sigh......TEXAS !!!! GODDAMN !!!!!!

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Fuck Ted Cruz

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From the Guardian; "Jonathan Stone, the lawyer representing Texas, said: “The only party that’s going to suffer an immediate and irreparable harm in this case if the court enters a [temporary restraining order] is the state.” WTF?

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To which, as was pointed out elsewhere, Ms. Cox's lawyer responded that not entering it would cause Ms. Cox immediate and irreparable harm (my paraphrasing). The nerve, thinking Ms. Cox was worthy of notice!

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Will no one rid us of this meddlesome AG?

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Nope. We don't allow calls for assassination here, not even using literary references.

Review the rules, Item #2


— Yr friendly neighborhood comments moderator

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The Texas Republicans tried and failed, foiled by their fellow Republicans!

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2nd amendment solutions!

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Nope. We don't allow calls for assassination here. Review the rules, Item #2


— Yr friendly neighborhood comments moderator

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Woman who value their reproductive rights need to get the hell out of Texas and other states with draconian abortion laws. This is absolutely sickening.

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Yes, they should move away... A job is a job... Families can move also..There are better options available elsewhere... And NOT just with birth control matters.

Amazingly, you are considered a person in other states!...

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And if they can't do that for whatever reason, they might want to google 'Lysistrata'..

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Nazi fucks just want to engineer the population to achieve a census that doesn't make them cry, and that always ends so super for everyone involved.

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