When aggrieved, infantile, paranoid white people from super-gerrymandered states elect white trash like Gaetz, Burport, Marg Toilet Green, etc, this is where you end up.

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Some of the craziest nutters suggested they’d nominate PAB for Speaker next. They won’t have the votes for that noise, and PAB would never accept what he’d consider a demotion. Many in the GOP despised him in 2016 but held their noses and played along to save their careers. They hate him more now, and they know a PAB nomination all but assures another 4 year wait for a possible Republican potus. Trump is so toxic the American people would elect Hunter Biden before they’d jeopardize all our lives again.

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Pussy Ass Bitch (courtesy of Chrissy Teigen).

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They won’t get behind MTG or any of the fringe nutters. Hakeem Jeffries has a better shot at it. But it can absolutely get worse than Kev, and it almost certainly will.

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So now he’s gone, voted out by Dems and a few Rs. He even said he won’t seek to recover the gavel, as even he knows, like the impeachment inquiry, he doesn’t have the votes. But, McCarthy was spineless and wishy washy, and Dems must prepare for far worse from the far-right gop than that. The real obstruction is about to begin.

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They gerrymandered themselves.

Four percent mattered more than 96%.

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lol. They actually fuckin' did it and fired him. What a miserable and useless 9-ish month time with the gavel. Good job, Kevin. It was totally worth debasing yourself for.

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A man so desperate to cement his place in the history books that he got exactly what he asked for and will be ridiculed for it. Good.

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Man....I back in January I called September as the month Qevin would get the axe.......missed it by 3 days......story of my life.....sigh......

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ok so what's the over under on the number of votes each candidate for speaker has to go through (with a side bet on the total number of votes altogether) before a speaker is elected?

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20 and infinity. The last representing no change until new players (if any) get elected next year.

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Who do we favor for next Speaker of the House? I'm torn between "Boobs” Boebert (gavel in one hand vaping stick in the other with a little hanky-panky in the cloakroom and bitch fights with Man Hands Taylor in the loo) or George Kitara Santos (America’s first Holocaust survivor, Lacross champion, puppy mill mogul, Goldman Sachs exec, 9/11 martyr Speaker with bitch fights with Man Hands in the aisle). It's a deep bench.

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Not a one of whom are mentally or morally fit to mop the halls of the Capitol. Still, I could use a laugh. Unless Jefferies gets it after the rest die in a fatal mass mud wrestling accident, I doubt we will see a permanent Speaker before 2025.

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Stephen you are a Treasure and Delight - thank you

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My rep Connolly bringing heat!

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I don't like to use the B word because it's so sexist and misogynist, but Karma really is a bitch.

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“It is going to be difficult for my Republican friends to keep calling President Biden ‘feeble’ while he continues to take Speaker McCarthy’s lunch money in every negotiation.”

HEY THE PRESS! You payin attention to that little slip up?

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“Sentient oil slick Matt Gaetz” 🤣🤣 he even looks like the oil monster from Ferngully!! https://gifer.com/en/G2mn

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Honestly disappointed in the Dems that voted to oust McCarthy.

Without a Speaker, the House is basically useless, and with the MAGA tribe wanting one of their own in the chair, more moderate (less MAGA) Republicans wanting one of THEIR own, and the Dems wanting Hakeem Jeffries, how many more votes is it going to take before there's a new Speaker?

The reason I'm disappointed with the Dems is that in addition to this chaos, they had the opportunity to show McCarthy who actually owned his testicles, and instead they voted in support of the MAGA movement to sow chaos.

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He empowered Jordan and Comer, he reneged on his deal with Biden and Schumer, he allowed the impeachment farce, he blamed Dems for the near shutdown this weekend. His desperation is what got us here. His Potemkin speakership was going down sooner or later.

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Strongly agree. I'm proud of the Democratic caucus for showing the discipline that the GQP cannot, and not rewarding McCarthy with codependent behavior. He had to be nailed for lying about who was responsible for the shutdown threat. McCarthy set land speed records appeasing people by lying to them and then lying about them. In public, in front of cameras.

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Very fair points that didn't enter into my assessment.

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I get that a speaker-less house is a chaotic mess and nothing can get done, but how much better is McQarthy's presence? It's not like things are functioning lately.

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Not to mention the instructional value of millions of Americans watching the GQP stick their tongues out at each other & squabble like toddlers. And fail miserably and publicly at governing. It may be worth the month of dysfunction to finally make it clear to low info voters who is ready to make govt work & who is manifestly not.

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I sincerely hope that you're right, and this doesn't get spun by Rs to say that Biden's government did nothing.

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Even while Biden's government was accomplishing a LOT, the Rs were spinning it that way. Nothing changes except letting the Rs step on their own dicks. The D vote to remove him was entirely within norms and expectations - the minority party always votes against the majority party. Now it's up to the Ds to sell the message properly (historically this has been an issue for Ds, but we've seen them getting much better at it recently.)

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He's an untrustworthy weasel who would stab them, again, right in the face the moment he got the chance. Again. Like the 5000000000 times before.

There's no "better the devil you know" in this situation when any one of them is gonna be as ridiculous as the next one.

But I guess we're used to blaming the Dems for everything even if this is 100% a Republican problem

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I agree with your statement entirely; it is a Republican problem, and McCarthy is an untrustworthy weasel.

My concern is more that this is a "smaller"? government shutdown than the one the US nearly faced this past weekend.

At least McCarthy demonstrated that he was willing to sit down with Biden, as opposed to ... well, just opposing everything.

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So the house can't actually do anything until they have a speaker. Which is probably bad, but given who GOP voters sent to the house is also maybe kinda of good?

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