Sometimes in life when things go to hell, all you can do is think I TOLD YOU SO, and then sing Cilla Black’s “Surprise, Surprise!” to yourself.
Such is the case with Project 2025 and all those media outlets that made skeptical noises that it was really That Man’s plan.
Now the unexpected has hit them between the eyes! But every single thing happening right now was laid out meticulously in that 922-page tome. How about all of this stuff straight out of its pages from just the past week?
An end to separation of powers and making the President be the unbeholden Holy Deciderer, with a spending freeze as if Congress does not exist. Oh, they rescinded it? Already? FUCK THEM ANYWAY.
Militarized immigration enforcement, and an executive order suspending the US Refugee Admissions Program, right out of Project 2025’s wish for an “indefinite curtailment” of refugee admissions.
War on “DEI” and trans people, kicking trans people out of the military, and sliding zygote personhood into that “gender ideology” order.
War on the environment by pulling out of the Paris Agreement and executive-ordering drilling in Alaska.
Bringing back Schedule F so disloyalists can be more easily fired.
Cutting emergency management grants to states, and forcing them to deal with disasters on their own.
Pulling out of the World Health Organization and ending foreign aid.
In other words, all of it, other than pardoning Ross Ulbricht and the rioters. Those seem to be the only executive orders that President Felon thought of on his own.
The enmeshment is so blatant that two Heritage Foundation/Project 2025 people, Noah Peters and James Sherk, have been busted writing government memos before That Man was even sworn in for the Office of Personnel Management, which they forgot to scrub their metadata from. Trump doesn’t just have Project 2025 ties, Heritage Foundation people are literally running the government on his behalf while he farts around his Florida golf course. It’s not his plan, that is technically true. It’s their plan, and his plan is to fuck off and let them do everything for him except rake in “donations” from techbros and the anonymous wallets that buy his memecoins. Totally different.
Media outlets were afraid of being sued or worse, we get it. But how do you excuse the framing that Democrats were crazy conspiracy theorists? Such as CBS’s Norah O’Donnell scolding Kamala Harris for not taking Trump’s word for anything:
O’DONNELL: And when you argue that Donald Trump, if elected, would put forward a national abortion ban.
HARRIS: Just read Project 2025.
O’DONNELL: The former president said that’s not true. He would veto it.
HARRIS: He says everything. Come on, are we really taking his word for it? He said that women should be punished. He has been all over the place on this, but I’m too busy watching what he’s doing to see what he has said.
PBS/Politifact made much hay over the fact that Project 2025 says that the “Department of Health and Human Services Department should ‘return to being known as the Department of Life by explicitly rejecting the notion that abortion is health care’” and use the 1873 Comstock Act to ban mailing mifepristone. But “What’s known about Trump’s abortion agenda neither lines up with Harris’ description nor Project 2025’s wish list.” Because Trump dithered and hid the ball on the abortion part, everybody should just ignore how the entire rest of his Agenda47 was just Project 2025 for dummies, you see!
USA Today was even stronger with a “fact check.” Headline: “Project 2025 is an effort by the Heritage Foundation, not Donald Trump.” Because he didn’t tappety-type all 922 pages himself with his Vienna-sausage fingers, it’s not his plan, you see, and ergo any accusations are FALSE. He both knew nothing about it and also rejected everything in it by TruthTweet, so checkmate, LIBS.
Sure, “The Heritage Foundation said in a January 2018 news release that Trump had adopted nearly two-thirds of its policy recommendations within his first year in office.” But any overlap is just coincidence, you guys. Little Donny Fuckface said “I don’t know her,” so that is that.
The New York Times was at least skeptical of Treasontits’ disavowals, but, headline: “What Is Project 2025, and Why Did Trump Disavow It at the Debate? Democrats have attacked Donald J. Trump’s ties to the conservative policy plan that would amass power in the executive branch. He has distanced himself from it, and claimed that ‘I’m not going to read it.’”
Reporters did note that 144 out of 307 authors served in his administration. But just two weeks later, they were playing down the ties as just “several of its authors served in his administration.” Is almost half “several”? And why the suspicious tone here? “Less than 10 minutes into their presidential debate, Ms. Harris sought to frame the discussion by tying the project to Mr. Trump’s plans for a second term. [...] Mr. Trump immediately rejected her statement. But the Harris campaign and its supporters had yoked Project 2025 around their opponent’s neck.” Those Democrats were SO MEAN, with that yoking! Isn’t the yoking the real sin, here?
The Washington Post also thought so, and also did not point out the obvious ridiculousness of how Trump both disavowed it and claimed to have not read it in the very same TruthTweet.
And WaPo dutifully, unquestioningly reprinted commentary from Trump spokesman Brian Hughes.
“It’s literally the definition of the ‘big lie’ theory — that if you say the same thing over and over and over again enough times, you can persuade people it’s true and they’ve attempted that. The only person deciding what President Trump will say or what President Trump will do as president is Donald Trump. What’s most ironic is that while they are spending all this time trying to lie about what policies President Trump has or will advocate for as president, we still have a Harris website that has a half-dozen or more donate buttons but no policy tab.”
Then WaPo also side-eyed the MEAN Democrats who had “seized on the theme and hammered away” at the cuckoo notion that Trump had anything to do with it. Democrats actually were not the first to start hammering that theme. John Oliver and Taraji P. Henson did, and the Democrats followed suit as people began frantically Googling.
Oliver described Trump during his first term as “a hamster in an attack helicopter” who wanted to “bathe the world in blood and terror” but didn’t “know what buttons to press,” so that’s what he needs the Heritage Foundation for. Accurate!
Conservatives knew they were lying, we know they’re lying, we know they know they’re lying, and it’s now a hilarious joke to them that they were able to sow doubt about the most obvious thing in the world. Watch podcaster “Comfortably Smug” chortle to Megyn Kelly: “The funniest joke we ever pulled on the Democrats is convincing them that Project 2025 wasn’t real,” and they all have a big laugh about it.
Well, big laugh on you, mainstream media. One section of Project 2025’s agenda is to make all media state media and give the government media-monitoring power, including to shut down media that the Holy Executive does not like or that he thinks “censors” him. And spokesblonde Karoline Leavitt has already put Breitbart in the front row of press briefings, prioritized questions from MAGA sycophants like bloated ham Brian Glenn of Real America’s Voice, and promised to restore press credentials to 440 individuals whose passes were “wrongly revoked” by the Biden administration.
Appeasement never works, and never did. Surprise, surprise!
[Citation Needed/ PBS/ New York Times archive link, “The Many Links Between Project 2025 and Trump’s World” New York Times archive link, “What Is Project 2025, and Why Did Trump Distance Himself From It During the Campaign?” Washington Post archive link]
"SURPRISE SURPRISE, Project 2025 Was The Plan All Along!"
Respectfully, I was not surprised at all.
They put the gun on the table in Act I. We all have read Chekhov and knew they would use that gun by Act III, but the media wouldn't hear of it because "ratings" and "horse race" and "eyeballs".
I hope they enjoy what's coming. Because it's gonna suck so much ass.