Same with Vermont.

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Times infinity

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But who will think of the CHILDREN!! (white men)

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"The idea that race and gender should be the No. 1 and No. 2 criteria is not as it should be. On the other hand, there are many qualified Black women for this post..."

Being "qualified" is, in fact, the No. 1 criterion, Senator. Sorry you don't like race and gender being the No. 2 and No. 3 in this instance.

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Holy shit, you're right!

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Therein lies the major problem with him. He does plenty of evil stuff but since it doesn't get reported, people are all "oh he's so moderate."

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Being qualified is #1. Representation of a major demographic, so as to best improve SCOTUS, the government, and the country, is #2.

I want Collins to offer her own list of priorities for picking a nominee. Let’s hear them.

She’s looking more punchable every time I see her face.

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Dems don’t paint Republicans as being racist. We just occasionally point at the sign above their gallery that reads, “Nazis Only!”

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Jared made a career outta it...

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Yes. It did.Very good point.And The Constitution was ratified by one vote.

Think of it. Half the first congress was from the North.Half the members were German Speaking!Half were slave owners, half were abolitionists.

I am sure, the Southerners believed All men meant all Property Owners.But You better bet the Quakers meant All Men the way we think of it today.

There is the spark of God in everyone of us; that's what makes All Men Equal.We all suffer and die friend.

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She's like the insufferable aunt at Thanksgiving that you just have to put up with because she's not being overtly offensive. But, the passive aggressive shit just makes you want to smack her with the gravy boat.

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They are all crying about "qualified". What about Kegstand and Bony Carrot?

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If measuring against the alleged qualifications of Republican selections, the bar is going to be low. The only qualification they care about is how loyal to Republican ideology they are. If Biden were to nominate a very conservative, under-qualified Black woman, the Republicans would be cheering about his prioritizing demographic representation and claiming it as evidence of their progressive mindset.

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I’m getting upvoted by pr0n bots. Please address.

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