Suuuuuure, NOW republicans want the candidate to be chosen by the will of the people. I guess the Banana Republican Experiment of 2020-2021 RIP is finally behind us. Whew, so glad that danger has passed!
Susan, letting elections and the will of the people decide the winner is not Republican voters’ thing. That’s what fake electors, far-right judges and, if necessary, storming the Capitol violently is for. You silly goose!
Has anyone else noticed what a fuckwad this Susan Collins is... I mean, Mainians, Mainers, or Mainese or whatever you Mainiacs that voted for her call yourselves.
It's okay for five Republican-appointed justices to decide the 2000 election and it's okay for them to decide what the laws of Maine require for someone to appear on the Maine primary ballot, because they were all elected by . . . whom exactly?
Those former Republican legislators who voiced the opinion that the Secretary of State made the right call are obviously brain-addled fools who think that upholding their oath of office to protect and defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic, precludes allowing someone who shat on aforementioned oath while in office as President of the United States running again for said office. How's that for run-on sentence goodness?
Matt Taibi’s stupid fucking Substack has a bunch of Trumpers talking about the fat chicks standing behind Maine’s Secretary of State, and unfortunately you have to be a subscriber to tell them that if they’re gonna fat jokes, they should look no farther that the gigantic orange hog they think is Apollo incarnate.
As a New Yorker, it really annoys me when these sparsely poplulated states whine that they do not get attention. Eighty percent of the US population lives in cities of over a million people. Yet every time someone does one of those journeys to find America, they focus on the rural areas that have been forgotten. Hmmph. The only times politicians visit NYC is to make withdrawals from the fundraising ATM. My presidential vote has been meaningless for decades, since the last time New York went for a Republican presidential candidate was Reagan in 1984. I am a huge fan of 'one person, one vote', especially with the presidential elections. I also think the Senate should be less powerful and more advisory. I also think we should train the AI bots to create clean voting districts, instead of making disturbing art. I think they could do a certain level of tax prep too
"...they focus on the rural areas...". Yes. Not everyone has their nose up a major trans-bonzo-multi-megastructure's ass, or after ample exposure to metroplexes across the US and Canada are such folks impressed with said edificios. The fact that the MSM conducts cletus safaris on the daily tells us more about the MSM's desperation for a story than it does about what the hicks at Ruby's Coffee & Cakes have in the way of any impact on anything.
I think the voters should decide who is president. Not a stacked and rigged Electoral College. Where it's possible for the person losing by millions of votes wins the election. Unfortunately it will never change because states like Maine, regardless of their political tilt, do not want to give up the small extra political power it gives them with their two US Senate seats added to the EC despite having less than 1/4 the population of Massachusetts and their added two Senate seats. Just as the US Senate set up gives them undue power in government despite being extremely undemocratic, with a population under 1.5 million people has equal legislative power through the Senate as California, with almost 40 million.
Maine is interesting, because it has rank choice voting and also allocated its electoral votes differently than other states. The winner of the statewide popular vote gets two EC votes, with the other two allocated to each congressional district. As a result, Maine can split its EC vote and in fact has done so.
Maine also has direct democracy in the form of town meeting, which most of the state holds to.
Anyway, you're probably not interested in the reality of politics in Maine and just want to complain about the legitimately unfair Electoral College and our demonstrably stupid senator.
this post is a thing of beauty.
Maine is my favorite state; my late husband & I kayaked hundreds of marvelous miles there. I trust the people to do the right thing.
Suuuuuure, NOW republicans want the candidate to be chosen by the will of the people. I guess the Banana Republican Experiment of 2020-2021 RIP is finally behind us. Whew, so glad that danger has passed!
Susan, letting elections and the will of the people decide the winner is not Republican voters’ thing. That’s what fake electors, far-right judges and, if necessary, storming the Capitol violently is for. You silly goose!
The Brethren and Sistren don't want him to be president again, either. He would completely disempower the Supreme Court.
We need a new Hannah Arendt to cover the likes of Susan Collins. The banality of her evil is galling.
Has anyone else noticed what a fuckwad this Susan Collins is... I mean, Mainians, Mainers, or Mainese or whatever you Mainiacs that voted for her call yourselves.
It's okay for five Republican-appointed justices to decide the 2000 election and it's okay for them to decide what the laws of Maine require for someone to appear on the Maine primary ballot, because they were all elected by . . . whom exactly?
She lost me after, "I think..."
"Come on, you have to give Trump a chance to learn from his mistakes"
Those former Republican legislators who voiced the opinion that the Secretary of State made the right call are obviously brain-addled fools who think that upholding their oath of office to protect and defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic, precludes allowing someone who shat on aforementioned oath while in office as President of the United States running again for said office. How's that for run-on sentence goodness?
Matt Taibi’s stupid fucking Substack has a bunch of Trumpers talking about the fat chicks standing behind Maine’s Secretary of State, and unfortunately you have to be a subscriber to tell them that if they’re gonna fat jokes, they should look no farther that the gigantic orange hog they think is Apollo incarnate.
"Susan Collins Wants The Voters To Decide"
Let's start by getting rid of the f***in Electoral College.
As a New Yorker, it really annoys me when these sparsely poplulated states whine that they do not get attention. Eighty percent of the US population lives in cities of over a million people. Yet every time someone does one of those journeys to find America, they focus on the rural areas that have been forgotten. Hmmph. The only times politicians visit NYC is to make withdrawals from the fundraising ATM. My presidential vote has been meaningless for decades, since the last time New York went for a Republican presidential candidate was Reagan in 1984. I am a huge fan of 'one person, one vote', especially with the presidential elections. I also think the Senate should be less powerful and more advisory. I also think we should train the AI bots to create clean voting districts, instead of making disturbing art. I think they could do a certain level of tax prep too
"...they focus on the rural areas...". Yes. Not everyone has their nose up a major trans-bonzo-multi-megastructure's ass, or after ample exposure to metroplexes across the US and Canada are such folks impressed with said edificios. The fact that the MSM conducts cletus safaris on the daily tells us more about the MSM's desperation for a story than it does about what the hicks at Ruby's Coffee & Cakes have in the way of any impact on anything.
I think the voters should decide who is president. Not a stacked and rigged Electoral College. Where it's possible for the person losing by millions of votes wins the election. Unfortunately it will never change because states like Maine, regardless of their political tilt, do not want to give up the small extra political power it gives them with their two US Senate seats added to the EC despite having less than 1/4 the population of Massachusetts and their added two Senate seats. Just as the US Senate set up gives them undue power in government despite being extremely undemocratic, with a population under 1.5 million people has equal legislative power through the Senate as California, with almost 40 million.
Maine is interesting, because it has rank choice voting and also allocated its electoral votes differently than other states. The winner of the statewide popular vote gets two EC votes, with the other two allocated to each congressional district. As a result, Maine can split its EC vote and in fact has done so.
Maine also has direct democracy in the form of town meeting, which most of the state holds to.
Anyway, you're probably not interested in the reality of politics in Maine and just want to complain about the legitimately unfair Electoral College and our demonstrably stupid senator.
"Susan Collins Wants The Voters To Decide"
Now do Roe.