OK, just we're clear, "In Defense of Charles Manson, by the editors of the National Review. — Roy Edroso Breaks It Down" is parody, right?

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Help, I’m trapped in a Maga Midwest state.

Watching the big screen, Flipping channels stumble on ‘Indiana in Review’. Actually a great discussion, and as Democrat Ann Delaney is in mid-sentence, about a question of Trumps campaign, (And his legal problems). Then Republican superstar Mike OBrien interrupts her about Bidens age.

Her reply is chefs kiss, Mastercard priceless……..”Trumps not that much younger, and has been ridden much harder!”

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...and put away wet!

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Now that I think of it, that’s a great campaign ad. “I’m old, but he’s not much younger, and been ridden much harder!”

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I did not know that the national parks were segregated until Truman. Learn something new every day. Thanks, Rebecca!

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The papers at the time made a great deal out of Lizzie’s “affectlessness” at the trial, questioning, etc., while her physician gave her opium to counter her psychological shock and pain after the murder.

So while reporters were calling her cold and nonplussed, she was actually encountering the trial in a pink, pleasurable fog that likely rendered everything dreamlike and unreal.

In my mind, this is the way to go if you have to spend lengthy time in court as anything other than a witness.

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Didn't she take an axe?

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Really, it was more like a hatchet. But it worked, apparently.

If she did it.

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Killed her stepmother upstairs, then killed her father downstairs while he was napping.

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It’s true that her stepmother was hacked to death upstairs and her father was hacked to death downstairs, but it’s history that declared her guilty; the court acquitted her.

Technically, the Borden murders remain an unsolved crime.

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Yes, Lizzy and her sister claimed that there was a skinny man in a dark suit lurking around their property the day of the murders. Strange that no one else seen him but the two sisters.

Lizzy's father was the town's undertaker, by the way.

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Well, close. Borden made furniture, with caskets as a specialty. He reinvested his money in real estate and made a good number of bucks at the time. I think he was worth about $5 million in contemporary dollars.

I think one of the stranger moments from the Borden saga was that Lizzie had built some kind of nest or perch for pigeons roosting in the barn. Her father later killed the pigeons—with a hatchet—so local kids wouldn’t trespass and hunt them.

In her will, Lizzie left a considerable sum to an animal protection agency.

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Happy Birthday David Brown!

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They obviously didn’t go to the same parties.

By the way, the Stones are working on a tribute to Charlie Watts. I don’t know if it’s an album or what.

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Hail, hail rock and roll!

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And yet somehow healthier, in spite of all the drug use.

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No one should have Moves Like Putin.

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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023

Florida insurers swear it's those pesky policyholder lawsuits that are driving them out of business.

Turns out being shitty at managing insurance companies is what's actually driving 'em out of business:


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Who would have thought we would be having ‘once every 500 years’ floods and destruction……every year.

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Imagine that!

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I too was shocked.

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Going to Fenway Paahk tonight.

Meeting up with three longtime buds.

Always nice going into the weekend with more PAB indictments.

Keep pimpslapping those Repukes.

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Nice handle Renaissance. Saw a homer go over the green monster at that park. Enjoy!

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I’ve seen lots of homers over the Green Monster.

I won’t mention a certain Yankees shortstop.

Fuck them

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Next time the GOP tries to call themselves the party of Lincoln, pull out this quote from his First Inaugural Address, which I had forgotten until I just read it again:

“Labor is prior to and independent of capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration.”

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And our country’s main export, up to 60% of total exports, for decades in the 19th century was cotton.

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Abraham Lincoln was woke.

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Abe and Karl Marx were pen pals.

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Charles Manson was born bad. I think Lizzo is a public figure and the low lifes are after her. Alito is losing it mentally, Thomas has always been a pathetic excuse for a humanoid. Cornell West is not getting any smarter.

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Manson grew up poor, raised by a crazy racist Bible Belt grandma. Cornell West is a narcissistic loon.

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When Manson's mom was jailed, Manson was taken in by his aunt and grandmother. Not crazy, maybe racist, but poor, as were most people around them. Manson was born bad. He doesn't have the excuse of shitty parenting. Look at his actions as a teen and later, he could have been different but stayed bad.

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I have to think that anyone with Lizzo's body shape would be the LAST person to "fat shame" other people with the same body shape.

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I assumed she was skinny-shaming them, the writeups I read didn't really expound.

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Rebecca Schoenkopf

Three of the women who sued were on TV this morning and they have the same body type as Lizzo. It makes no sense to me but then again, I'm probably not very smart.

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the lawsuit claims the claimant was made to feel uncomfortable by Lizzo asking why the person's bubbly personality had faded, the claimant says she inferred Lizzo was actually upset about the claimant's weight gain.

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Sounds like "the claimant" was looking for an excuse to sue.

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Yeah, I guess I need to read the whole thing, because I'm just not seeing it.

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Ah, thanks.

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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023Liked by Rebecca Schoenkopf

The little I've read and heard about this suggested there's another side to this. I don't know her music, but I thought the crystal flute performance was fabu-tastic.

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For people who don’t think things have changed much, back during the Kent St massacre almost 70 percent of all Americans supported what happened. We may not have come the whole way but at least we aren’t that anymore.

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People who think things have not changed much have not been paying attention.

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This morning on Morning Joe they played a montage of presidential candidates and their gracious concession speeches intermingled with DJT's idiotic "I've been wronged, fight for me" clips. How far we've fallen, hopefully we can get up. I don't want to think it all depends on Jack Smith though.

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And the jury. All it takes is one MAGA plant in a jury to get a deadlock and mistrial. Definitely pushing any retrial beyond election day and Trump proclaiming an 11-1 split in favor of guilty completely exonerating him. It's less likely in DC than Florida, but you sometimes hear of people bluntly stating injury deliberations they never thought the defendant was guilty. And you never see them prosecuted for lying during jury selection.

Of course prosecutors often stack the deck against themselves in prosecutions of police officers by not contesting some potential jurors overly sympathetic to police, thereby avoiding being accused of incompetent prosecution when the real cause goes back to incompetent jury selection. But Jack Smith will handle that appropriately. He seems a little pissed at what Trump did.

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I hear you but keep in mind, people get found guilty by a 12-0 count all the time. And in the E. Jean Smith case there was one MAGAt on the jury for sure, and even HE voted in favor of Ms. Smith.

So have faith!

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Endangered Species Act may be in peril, after helping prevent extinctions for 50 years


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"The AI made this Asian girl white :/ "

dropkick that AI to HELL!

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Here's a deeper dive into the Ken Paxton saga.


Securities fraud trial delayed again, but this time due to impeachment trial in the Texas Senate. Man, he sure is throwing out more and more desperate measures to kick that can down the road, isn't he?

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His day of reckoning is fast approaching.

I've seen this with a number of dishonest men. When accused, they think they can delay their day of reckoning forever and at first, it seems like they might. But ultimately that day comes. It always comes.

And for Paxton, it's here. He cannot stop the trial in the Senate (which I think he's going to lose), and now that the securities fraud trial is in Harris County, that one is going to occur soon, too.

It's over for Bozo.

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From your mouth to the Senate's ears, I hope. The lite guv is a staunch Paxton ally, and his promise of transparency is of course turning out to be the exact opposite of that. At least his wife won't be voting.

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Let's hope so! Given that the vote in the House was almost exactly 50/50 to impeach, I hold out hope the Senate will see the bipartisan nature of the impeachment and do their job.

But yeah, Gov. Abbott and Lt. Gov. Patrick are squarely in Paxton's corner. Why, who knows? But they surely are. I can't wait for the trial, though. Four of the loudest lawyers in Texas, all screaming at each other? Cool! All we need now is Jim Adler, the Texas Hammer!

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